Tuesday, December 18, 2007

As we near Christmas

Well here it is, less than a week before Christmas. It has been slow getting into the Christmas Spirit, but the party at church Saturday Night rather helped some. Also, when I found the song Mary's Boy Child, that helped as well. What an awesome cut of it.

I found this Tree and I just love it. I hope I find more things that are fun like this on my pic searches over the next few days.
Pastor Sandy wants me to do a random generator with the 100 Names they Call Jesus. It finally dawned on me she would like this before Christmas. Ö¿Ö The generator has been updated to accomodate this and I will do the entries when I get home today. I am waiting to hear if she just wants the names or a leadin for the names.
I am going to spend this week trying to spend more time remembering what Christmas is about and not get caught up in the no family part of the deal... Muchless the I do not have a life partner to share it with part of the deal.
Well I have to go to Gulf Shores this morning. I may blog more when I get home.


Gardenia said...

That is a beautiful picture! Sounds as if you are settling into a peaceful Christmas mode.......

**Ya Think** said...

Thanks Gardenia... Click on the picture. It is much bigger and animated. I just could not figure out how to make it animated on the blog itself.

**Ya Think** said...

Sounds as if you are settling into a peaceful Christmas mode...

Maybe.. Perhaps have mostly surrendered to life on lifes terms. Or perhaps settling into what is or what is not. At least for the moment.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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