Sunday, December 30, 2007

Finally Done - Last Will And Testament...

Well, my will was finally finalized today at the church office. I had to wait until then to find a notary and enough witnesses. The bank said they cannot do wills and such, so we went this route.

I thought there would be something freeing about getting this done, but somehow with the more witnesses it just felt like it complicated things more. The nice thing about witnesses at the bank or an attorneys office is there is no connection to them. None whatsoever. At church it felt like a connectedness, which I simply did not want to feel right now. Don't get me wrong, as I do appreciate what they did.

Well at least it is done and that was the responsible thing to do. I went through the footwork of having a will and durable done at the same time, but somehow I wondered why I was doing that part, other than that is what I am supposed to do.

There was little feeling for me today, other than I have done what I am supposed to do, because society says so AND because I wanted to have a voice in what happens to me and what happens to the remnants in the way of 'stuff' when I am gone.

You notice in the photo on the left the will looks all pretty and flowery.. I see nothing pretty or flowery about a will except it lets someone know of my intent. I trust the holder of this will with all my heart.

I have had a bit of difficulty over wills in the past few years. A friend of mine passed away and I sat in amazement as my old pastor that I left behind open a sealed will that was not his to open.. And then later had an attorney destroy the will by means of burning it. The person was alive and in a rest home and no longer able to make responsible decisions. I never will know if she told them to or not, but the woman I knew would never have let them do that. AND she was one of the most territorial women I ever knew. She signed everything, including her fishing rods if it was at all possible.

Then there is the will Rhonda managed to manipulate over my father. His intentions were clear for years and within the last year or so of his life, suddenly three codicil's were added, relinquishing his wishes which and been in place for years and giving all to Rhonda over a period of a short time. He died of stage 7 Alzheimer's disease. Clearly he was not in any mental state to have made these types of decisions during the last years of his life.

At least I know the two people I selected to oversee mine will not play these types of games. So that is a good thing...

Off to bed for me. I spent enough time and have given enough energy to this will thingie. It will do what I need for it to do and that is truly all that matters at the end of a day.


Gardenia said...

That has to be a load off! I know this is a private thing and it must have been an emotional thing to go through. As usual, your courage is there. I have thought and thought and know i need to make a will - yet, I fumble. I will put it at the head of this year's to do list. This means consulting an attorney I guess - or at least looking through some will kits.

I like the flowers with the will - the blue - well, it seems peaceful.

Anyway, when we go, its not like we won't have anyone up there we don't know, huh?

Hey! I'm better - lungs still a bit puffy huffy, but cough better and strength better, head clearing out. That was a tough ride, hope it continues to clear off.

**Ya Think** said...

Hi Gardenia,

I used a basic will kit. I think it is important to have this in order. If you need help let me know. You were a legal secretary, so the terms should not intimidate you.

Thanks for the compliments on the flower pic... Yep, we will definately know others. Many of who I miss terribly.

I am glad you are getting better. I have truly been worried about you. I hope it continues to improve.

WyoWoman pulled her last shananigan and I was without service for a day and a half. She actually paid the better part of three or four hundred dollars to cancel the internet contract just so I could not use it... About the same as if she would have left it on and let me continue paying for it. sheeesh. It actually worked out to be better for me and she has no more materialistic ties to manipulate me with. I had new service up and running yesterday with better rates and a better deal. After she renigged and stuck me with the cell phone contract, I was expecting she would pull something like this and had removed my credit card from the account for that very reason. I would have been hit with this fee had my credit card been on there when she called to cancel. In fact, I think I told you I expected she would do this. I was calling the payment in as it came due until I could get a refillable credit card. So this actually is better... I truly do not want to interact with her anymore.

The old modem sucked and would power off without warning. New arrangements had to be made on a dish because the old dish was a right beam dish and I needed a left beam dish since a new beam had opened up. Somehow, God took care of it and the right people were at the right place at the right time to handle all this for me. Having built a repor' with the carrier certainly did help.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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