Sunday, December 23, 2007

Update On Moe

Well the courts were only able to find a half sister from Moe's birth mother. The half sister has signed off with the Probate Courts, asking me to be assigned as the administrator for Moe. Her hands are full right now, as her teenage son has cancer, combined with the fact she was not raised with Moe. The judge signed the order on Friday. Finally, I will be able to get Moe out of the Medical Examiners Office. Without the permission from the Probate Courts, I could not as much as talk to the Military to make arrangements for her. There are degrees of being an administrator. Mine is under very tight control of the Probate Courts and I have to get permission and approval from them each step of the way. If there are any assets and no will, the half-sister will receive the assets left after the bills are paid. The apartment complex has worked with me well thus far, as have the police and the Probate Courts. My job right now is to take care of Moe's funeral arrangements and get her bills/assets sorted; When I am done with that I am to go to the Probate Courts to do what they tell me to do next.

I have not much more to tell at this point. The flights are going to cost me approximately $600.00 when all is said and done. My Pastor is working on getting our church members to donate their frequent flyer miles for me to get up there. There is much I can do here while she is attempting that. If any of you out there have frequent flyer miles, or bonus miles, please let me know, or if you care to donate towards the flight, you can send it to my paypal account. If none of this works, I will have to go to the truck stop and see if I can ride up with a driver, which I hope I do not have to do. The landlady said Moe was living as a Minimalist, which I thought was a very nice way to put it. The police detective supported what she has stated. She stated they had to have a professional clean-up crew come in which only cleans up after the deceased when they have been there a while. Her bed had to be removed, as were the moldy dishes.

The sister and the Probate Courts have approved Moe to come back here with me. I am having her cremated. I own my home and live in the woods.

I am almost certain the MCC Church in the area will have a member I can stay with through this process. So that will limit expenses there. I spoke with a man from their church and will call him back this week. He said they will help in any way they can. I am on an extremely fixed income so I have to do this as frugally as possible without short-changing Moe.

My Golly... Even writing this, I still get a knot in my tummy. This does not seem possible that I am making arrangements for a friend of many years, much less six years younger than I am. She was so spirited it is hard, even now, to think she is gone.

Moe's website has already been safeguarded and will remain up and intact. The only thing that will be added is her birthday and departure dates. I will be handling this as I promised Moe over the years I would take care of it. I already had the info to do so. I own a commercial server so I am moving her onto it.

So here is the first update. This whole thing was such a wake up call, my pastor and I sat down and did my will this week, along with advanced directives, power of attorneys, and durables.

Well I have to get with it for the day... I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the Holiday Season. If it is a seaon you have a hard time with, I hope you have support or will reach out for support.


About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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