Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Well here is wishing ALL a happy New Year.
I made a few New Years Resolutions.
1. Quit Smoking, which I accomplished early..
2. Forgiveness - Some of the things I need to work on may require 77 X 7, but I am going to
do it.
3. Get back to my Bible Study and Meditations with God.
4. Working on my house!!
-Today I had some free time and worked on my kitchen and my kitchen looks Boss! I can
now move around in it and am ready to resume painting... etc
5. Work on putting together a wardrobe that I do not look like a bagabon at inappropriate
times. This won't happen overnight.
6. Spend time with those who mean a lot to me, as I know we don't have forever to do it.
7. Get back into the routine of going to church. Even if some Sundays I have to go locally
because of gas prices.
8. Quit sweating the small stuff and concentrate on things that are important.
So that is pretty much it!! I am sure there is more, but most of it falls under this category. I am sorry I did not get this up earlier, but I was without internet service for a short time. I am glad really, as it taught me the end of the world will not come if I am not sitting in front of my computer. I am going to be spending less time online and more time working with my home and my pets; Also balancing that with friends.
Thanks everyone in my life for being you and so supportive over the last year. What a gift! It is definately true that God puts the right people in our lives, exactly at the right time when we need them the most. I hope I give back to each of you a fraction of what you have given me. This holds true for my local friends, my church friends, my family, my family of choice, and my internet friends.
God Bless and Have a Wonderful New Year.


Gardenia said...

Worthy Resolutions! I too am planning for more time in Bible Study and prayer. Less with TV and Computer.

**Ya Think** said...

yep yep Gardenia, I think balance is a good thing. I have no intentions of giving up my computer.. Just add some time to other things. I know the mindless clicking time I spend could be spent wiser. Mindless clicking is where I just click on things without a purpose because I am spacing or disassociating. :-p Fathom that

Kerry said...

Hope you are feeling good and that continues for 2008! You certainly deserve some peaceful time.

**Ya Think** said...

Hey You Kerry,

Good to see you... Hope you had a great Christmas and New Years. I also hope it continues to be great. Thanks for the encouragement. So far things are good.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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