Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Is Your Purpose?

I am having one of those Pensive Days. Well, I guess I am getting to the age where I am reflecting on the sum total of my life. Lately I have been thinking about people I have known and what they have accomplished in their lives. It is neat, really, to see what direction people I have known over the years, what was important to them, and what was there purpose.

While thinking about this I realized what has been most important to me in my life is to have a life that contained 'purpose'. While 'purpose' can change, there has always been 'purpose' in my life. I suspect this is true of all of us. For a number of years, my purpose was to help change the laws in this country regarding child offenders. Later that purpose became making myself available to those who had been harmed as children. I finally felt the need to step back from this as I was having health problems.

During the period where my health was most rocky and some mobility had been impaired, I found myself feeling as if my life no longer contained purpose. Later as I began my road to recovery my purpose was actually to start living life again and enjoying it. Gradually I was able to give again via community service via the internet.

While thinking about all this, I realized even small things are of purpose for me. For example, the ability to do things for myself and not feel guilty about them. To live out my dreams of living a more simplictic life... To grow gardens and work on my home. Or simply to stay a step ahead of a declining economy whereas I am able to utilize my land to rely less on grocery stores.

Sooo. For those of you who care to share, what is important to you and what is your purpose?


Gardenia said...

I too keep wondering about purpose. But then I think of all I've done and really, some people should be so lucky to have done & been where I've been. Purpose is constantly being fulfilled.

You've accomplished more than an average person as well. Much to be proud of. We deserve to putter now, to dig in warm dirt, to play on computer all day if we desire, to just sit and feel the sunshine.....

**Ya Think** said...

You have done a lot. I admire your artwork and the different achievements you have made.

Even with sitting in the dirt and playing on the puter, I think no matter what we do we must have purpose. If you think about it, your committing yourself to 'S' is a purpose.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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