Saturday, June 17, 2006

How fun is this?

Well here I am getting ready to do my first post!! Yesterday was the rebuilding of my website. What a scary move it was. As I clicked the delete button on my ftp software I watched 581 files delete one by one. As I watched each song, picture, and page leave I could not help but get this eerie feeling of watching something I have known and been so comfortable with for so long to dissipate into cyberspace.

After I allowed my feelings to absorb from the disappearance of so many files I began the task of setting up the new layout and design. Today I will work on the navigation bar and add guestbooks, this blog, and links to various pages and an email address so I can be written.

The hardest part was to decide what to say... At first I was not going to ever bring up that I am a survivor of any type of trauma again as I just wanted to move forward and live my life. Then I realized leaving that part of who I am is as destructive as hiding the rest of who I am... Who am I really? I am a woman who cares about other people and enjoys doing community outreach... A woman who loves critters and animals... I am an artist... A computer junkie... A fisherwoman... Last but way not least I am a Christian who happens to be a Lesbian... Hmmmm I left out that S Word again... Well perhaps it is because I am a survivor of many things... I have survived cancer twice... I have survived the completed suicide of a brother I adore... Last but not least I have survived childhood abuse. As an American I have survived a terrorist attack... None of these events are who I am, however all of these events certainly set the tone for how I view life today...

Well I guess I had best get back with the program and go work on my navigation bar and add more pages to my website... I am going to try a little trick I have used on other sites and see if I can make this readable from a page on the site...


Gardenia said...

You're up as a link on mine!

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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