Saturday, June 24, 2006

AOL :-(

Well Ya Gotta Love AOL Don't Ya? They got their claws into us when this all went flat rate and so much is done online these days that they have their claws into us now! I spent all day yesterday attempting to get AOL and Mcafee off my computer. At one point I lost my mouse and my keyboard. What a nightmare!! If I can get all this uninstalled I am going to read my mail from the web and no more software from them!

I called and told them I quit, but by the end of the conversation I knew it was not realistic as I have too darned many accounts/friends/websites tied into aol email addresses. So they gave me a rate of $4.95 per month with no additional charges.. We will try that, but I am still only going to read it from the web.

I have learned a valuable experience dealing with AOL the last two days. Use the Live Online Support if you have a second computer. It does not speak, so it is clear and precise. It may be a tad slow but it works much better than not understanding who is on the other end of the line.

Well now that I am back in I best start backing up files!! I am considering putting in a new hard drive and making it my primary.. That way I won't lose anything and can make this drive a secondary drive. I won't run nearly as slowly either.

I used to love aol.. Now all I love about them are my email addresses. The email addresses and I have a love hate relationship... I cannot live with them and I cannot live without them. Ö¿Ö


Gardenia said...

Now you know my phobia about A O Hell. It's like a bad marriage - only there are some good times, so you hang around it. I am still working on my report and am realizing pharmacies are kinda like AOL. Money speaks loudly. But we all knew that! On to next report - Feasability study for fiber optic cable - whee. Hope to take a couple hours & paint today. Sorry about your computers - thank God you have the smarts to work it out........

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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