Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pipes Froze This Morning

What a fricken day!!

I got up this morning and I had left the cold water dripping. Well that did not work. The cold did not freeze, but the hot did. Finally I got them working. I don't think I like PVC pipes at the moment. Well then... I am getting ready to go to work and I have a flat tire on the little car. hmph!! So I took off in the van since I don't have any of my tools here right now.

SOOOOO.. I get to work to find another surprise. I had sold someone my old van for STORAGE until it was paid for. Meaning it was for them to store their parts in. I told him I had best not see that van on the road or it would cancel our agreement. Well I got there and NO David and NO Van. Well when he got back, he paid it off, so I decided to just put a lid on it and let it go. David reminds me of an old manipulative carney. He is a grump, but probably out of so many lifes hurts. He is manipulative, but probably because that is the only way he could get by on such limited resources.

So I let it go and am glad I don't have to do that dance with him anymore.

Sassy is such a hoot tonight. one of my picture frames is sitting inside of my wall units and Miss Sassy is barking up a storm at herself. Annie is chiming right in. LOL Bless thier hearts. Annie is really growing on me. She has such a personality and is such a character. Everything is such important business to her.

I am getting Rave Reviews over what I have done with my kitchen so far. When it is done I will post it. Should not be more than a couple of weeks now. Winter, I think, is the time I enjoy doing working inside on the house.

I am definately not as warm as I would like to be, but it is not AS bad as last year. I think tomorrow I will go get an additional space heater. Two is doing fair, but one more should make life a bit more comfortable.

Got to hear from my cousin today and it sounds as if she is feeling a bit better. I bet she could just lynch me for being such a clucker where she is concerned. What can I say.. I love her.

I hear my half brother Bill has pneumonia out in California and is self medicating. He has copd too and I do worry about him. We are not close but I do care about him.

This coming Monday, I am moving my bed into the living room. I have a good sized living room. I am going to make this into a studio until winter is over. At least the coldest part.

Well I am off to bed early tonight.

Hopefully my pipes won't freeze again tonight.


Gardenia said...

I hope your pipes don't free either. I found out in Wyoming when I was going to buy the mobile home they make something called heat tape. But then there is the problem of getting under the house to wrap the pipes -

one good thing - I'm not alone - "H" would let me die before saying a word, but the girls can tell even by telephone when I need to go to the doc - odd how a person can get so sick they don't know when to go - anyway, I'm coming along well, I just can't walk hardly because of the dang back.

**Ya Think** said...

My pipes did freeze. They did not break, but they did freeze. Actually when it comes to the lungs and breathing, what I understand happens is you have less oxygen getting to the brain, which impairs judgement. But I also know you are stubborn, so I tend to be a pest. Just tell me to take a hike if I get on your nerves. LOL I am sorry about you back.

Why is "H" still there? grrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

It got cold for here and there have been alot of fires on the island in the last week because of idiots. Almost 2,000 acres have been burned.
26 yesterday morning, I hope your pipes hold up to bad you cant pour some whiskey down there to warm them up lol.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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