Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ok - So Like I am addicted!! What can I say.

Well who would have thunk I would become addicted to MySpace. My account sat there dormant and a young friend wanted me to add her as a friend. So to humor her I added her. Much to her shagrin she saw I had no photo, no bio, and no fun stuff on there. She asked if she could dress it up for me. I changed the password so she would not have my master password to humor her and off she went. So I went and looked at it again when she was done. Can you say HELLO INNER CHILD?
Well my inner child has definately been out to play. It is so inner-active. I am enjoying myself. I found out you can go get all these neat comments as you can see about. I can blog, make comments add whistles and bells, and all sorts of neat things.
Hope to see you there.
Ya Think!!
who needs to let her hair down once in a while.


Gardenia said...

Pretty nice! "J" has graciously invited me into the Myspace Kingdom, but I can't do the format justice time wise. She loves it - the younger crowd seems to take it naturally - see ya still got it!

Lunch next week? Thursday? Or will you be in town another day? I'm tied up with docs Tuesday. C is off Weds so will get some things done when I have someone to stoop over for me - the sciatica is at times even not responding to hydrocodone - so sick of docs.

my battery went out the other probably figured.

**Ya Think** said...

I kind of figured out that is what had happened when you disappeared. I will have to give you all the updates.

Yep yep. Next week ought to work, and possibly Thursday...

Well on MySpace, just look at all the goodies you can find and snitch for your blog. Beats going through all those pics on images with "G". Plus some are so interactive.

Go click on Susans name. I have been an online fan/follower of Aunt Susan for many years and her work just gets better and better. She started out with Old Souls Station and is just impressive. One of my online shero's.

More later..

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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