Monday, July 03, 2006

Troy Perry Has Launched His Own Website!!

What a pleasant surprise to receive an email today regarding Troy Perry, the founder of Metropolitan Community Church's, launching his own website... Seeing this brought back the memory of running into Troy at the airport and flying with him from Burbank, CA. to San Francisco, CA. I was on my way to San Francisco to be on a Morning Television talk with former Assemblywoman Paula Boland and Troy was on his way to SF for different reasons. It was one of the most fun 45 minutes I have ever had. I will never forget when the Airline Attendant offered us a snak. Oh boy!! There were Tutti Frutti's in the basket. Ö¿Ö I forget exactly what Troy said, but it was something like.... Oh!! Tutti Frutti's - I MUST have some of those... People were reading their papers on the plane and it was fun to watch the papers rapidly draw closer to their faces. One cannot fly on the same commuter flight and not feel the presence of Troy.. That will always be one of my most favorite memories. While extremely devoted to God's work, he is not lacking in sense of humor. I felt a void when Troy retired, but he certainly deserves the long needed rest after so many years of dedication. The story of his being the founder of MCC churches is one to behold. How brave to open your home to anyone who cares to come and worship... Just amazes me where MCC is today!! I have few hero's and shero's... Troy is definately one of my hero's.


Anonymous said...

When I was about 9 years old, I saw Troy preach in Tampa, Fl. He preached about Noah and the arc. I had heard the story of Noah many times in my life but this was the first time (and only time) that Noah actually came alive. Noah had a hammer and saws and was out there begging people to help. Telling everyone the flood was coming, "People, save yourselves, help me, the time is coming and the flood is going to be here." "Get yourself a reserved seat now! Don't wait!! Once those doors are closed it will be too late." "So Noah gathers the monkeys and the the zebras and elephants, two by two all the animals came. While all the people sat around drinking beer and sinning like Brutus, Noah was working like Popeye."

Wow, Noah was like Popeye? And people were drinking beer? For a 9 year old, that was a pretty cool analogy. At the end of the service, I asked for his autograph and he gave it to me. (I still have it.)

30 some years later, I still remember that sermon in Tampa. I still remember wishing we had a preacher like that in my church instead of the same old hell and brimstone, burning for eternity crap. It felt real and he had a way of making the Bible stories seem new, like you could relate to them, like you were apart of them.

I smile as I think back on this and just wanted to share my memory. Thanks for listening. : )

Anonymous said...

I have been going to Resurrection MCC in Houston for eight month and I am now a member. I met Rev Troy Perry in April 2008 he was the guest speaker for the 36th Anniversary of Resurrection MCC. He a great man and it was my pleasure to meet the founder of MCC.


About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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