Sunday, July 02, 2006

Liberty & Justice For All.... Except ?

What a great Service at church today!! They did a PowerPoint presentation of all the members who chose to have their military pictures on the powerpoint. How fun to see each of them as young adults in their uniforms. Those who had been there much longer than I have, as I am a newbie here at this church, had some good laughs and chuckled over the different ones as they showed up on the presentation.. Even though, the spirit of everyone elses enjoyment was heartfelt and I enjoyed myself.

Pastor Sandy did her sermon in part on Liberty & Justice For All........ Except for Gay's, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and transgenderals, and anyone else Society wanted to single at at any given time. It was great... I had never thought of it quite in the way she presented it, but she was so correct in what she had to say... It truly is time we as g/l/b/t people stand up and claim a voice.

One of the other reasons I needed to hear this sermon today is I have been questioning myself over the last few days as to my decision in being as open about being a lesbian and a Christian on my website. After hearing her sermon I felt extremely validated in my choice to do this. If we don't start claiming our voices within this backlash it is my belief we are not going to have a voice to claim.

It is my understanding a Pastor from one of the other MCC's indicated on a sidenote of his sermon, the money spent on Pride Week would be much better spent lobbying Washington. I could not disagree more. I feel being out in numbers... In a healthy way... Is the only way we can indicate to society we are people too and give them a small idea as to how many of us are being effected by the backlash in laws and legislation.

I will be revising this with a link, as Pastor Sandy told me I could put the slide presentation on my website....

I also want to make clear that being Lesbian is not the sum total of who I am... And certainly not the sum total of who anybody in our lifestyle is. We are son's and daughters, brothers and sisters, artists, teachers, doctors, scientists, engineers, musicians... Many of us are your neighbor next door or your co-worker who you have appreciated and valued for years. This is just to name a few... Many of us are your neighbor next door or your co-worker who you have appreciated and valued for years.

We are people with feelings who love as anyone else does... Cries as anyone else does... Hurts over rejection and loss as anyone else does... However when we hurt and cry over a loss, all too often we cannot share our loss with anyone for fear of loss of jobs and/or friends. Well we can do something about the friends we choose, but we have to keep our jobs...

I hope there will be a day in my lifetime that I am truly able to see society embrace us even half as much as we embrace our heterosexual counterparts. I know many of us has family we would like to share our lives with who really have distanced themselves from us because we happen to be gay. I know I have family I would love to be closer to, but it is not possible as a result of my sexual orientation. I have family who is decent about it too... I just hope someday we as a society with far surpass tolerence and replace it with acceptance.

Well off to bed....


Kimberley said...

The bottom line with out any needed explanation is just that. You do not or rather should not feel the need to have to explain your life's personal choices. All though there are many who think you do for their own selfish and insecure reasons. Always be proud of who you are, with or without the persecution because ultimately you being someone else will receive another type of criticism that is just society in general. I admire your courage and strength just do not ever doubt your honesty with yourself nor be ashamed of what "society" labels. That is all it is, a label usually without accuracy and with bias. God Bless.

Gardenia said...

I deeply hate prejudice and hate killings are despicable, no matter what the "reason" - does evil have a reason? Picking on a child/adult because they are different should not be tolerated in any manner, the slightest manner in our society, any society.

I am confused as to many issues.

Our sexuality is often a deep, very private part of ourselves, very much the core of our identity. Most people are really traditional deep down, some people fear what is inside themselves, whatever. Society right now is confronted with images of sexuality that are not necessary to deal with.

Really! If I wanted to watch a sex act, I would put mirrors in my bedroom. TV, movies! What does a panting couple in the throes of the sex act have to do with the plot anyway? Usually? This is all very private to me. And I don't want to hear about others' sexual proclivities any more than I would announce mine - that is their & my private business. Our society or is it a Hollywood agenda - wants sexual issues in the open but they don't?????

Then many men want to see "Lesbians in action." So what is the deal that throws a prejudice into a panic - a girl dressed like a guy, or vice versa? We like it, but in other situations, don't act a certain way out of the bedroom - come on' I'se really confused.

Then we idolize many bisexuals - Frieda Kahlo - and many more - pushing the sexual identity edge in fashion is "fashionable"....

I don't get it. The confusion and double messages which suddenly turn into very loud messages of hate.

Women and children as a class suffer death, mistreatment, lower wages, discrimination in jobs, etc., etc. There are so many groups suffering discrimination, so I guess there has to be voices for each group. Then there are the handicaps......

So truthfully it is difficult for me to deal with this particular ONE issue - when the issue to me is so broad - a human being deserves to live like another human being - in every area, no poverty, no crime, no disease, no job discrimination, no death or emotional or physical abuse for looking or acting different than some idiot thinks one should act.

So I don't think I understand this ONE issue or any issue of discrimination (except against exremely tall people - ya, even that!) exactly, as I haven't had to or chosen to live it. Just as I can't understand being black in American because I haven't lived it.

Truthfully, I am confounded about the "gay" issue. Sexual preferences to me are an extremely private issue, none of my business. I know I'm missing something here. Our Afro-American friends weren't (sometimes aren't) treated like citizens because of their color - I mean how stupid is that? Could it be for our gay friends - the issue is at the level of the core of our identity - our sexuality. (That many people are confused about) So very primal fear arises. But then, lynching an African American is pretty primal. One certainly isn't thinking with the higher parts of their brains.

Persecution always exists - for one reason or another - whether a reasonable reason or not. Look at the other side of the world - religion - regionalism - ethnicism - so many reasons to hate. (explain how so many people could buy into the hatred of the Jesw. Six million dead with narry a protest from the outside for years. How does that happen, why?) Here's another - a rich class in America that has no idea what its like not to have medical care or enough gas to get to an appointment, but continues to spend dollars on killing elsewhere.....prejudice? yes.

I get really confused about prejudice issues. I guess where hate exists it will always find a target.

Can anyone enlighten me and clear away the confusion?

And I hope I have not put my foot in my mouth - in some way to offend anyone - I have gay, black, hispanic, asian, Balkan, handicapped, women, single mom's, children friends in my life - I value each one for who they are as a human being and try to understand their struggles - sometimes I don't do such a good job at it - ask my dauhters!

I dunno.

Gardenia said...

I forgot to mention religious persecution - oh yah. Which is why we celebrate the 4th - no more Europe telling us we can't be protestants. Or was it about money - the Boston Tea party - nah, we aren't gonna pay your taxes, ah where is the courage of the old days.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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