Thursday, July 13, 2006

How to send and receive AOL email in Outlook 2003

Well this certainly has been a nightmare... But I finally found a solution. AOL has dropped my rate to $4.95 a month. However, I was not about to place AOL software back on my machine... AND, the last thing I wanted to do is go to their webpages just to pick up more spyware.

I figured out how to configure my AOL accounts on Outlook 2003... It will not accept it if you select the POP account setting. You have to select IMAP.

~So go to Add New Email Account
~Fill in the blanks as you go
~When you get to the radio buttons select IMAP

~Your Name
~Your Email Address
~Incoming Map Server =
~Outgoing Mail Server =
~User Name:
~User Password:

~NOW click on more settings:

~Type in the Name you want to appear on your folder in Outlook
~Click on the tab Outgoing Server and Check My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentications
~Now click on advanced and on the Outgoing server Port (SMTP) = Change this from 25 to 587
~Select Ok
~Repeat this process for all screen names you have.

What will happen is all of the folders you had on AOL will show up right in Outlook. LESS ALL THE GARBAGE AND SPAM...

Before you delete AOL, save all your important emails that are in the filing cabinet to ON AOL... This only handles what is server side on AOL.

Whoever runs across this, if you run into a snag let me know so I can tighten up my directions... However this will work.... Just picture this as a mirror of your aol account and you will do fine.


manyhartz said...

hi lorretta this is nici from thecru and i am grateful it turned out as well as it did for you with aol.
smiles and sunshine

Gardenia said...

you'll no what I'm doing from my blog- I'm always on the run no matter what I do, where I go....ahhhhhhhhhhh

when I get my other 'puter up, I will follow your a-o-hell instructions. have a wonnerful weekend.

**Ya Think** said...

Hi Diana,

Well tell my auntie hello. :-) Also I read your blog and you are right in going.. It is that chirpiness in their voices that makes it worth it... Then one day comes along we wish we had done it more often...

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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