Monday, July 17, 2006

Holy Cross MCC ~~New Beginnings

Well I have been here in Pensacola for a little over 5 weeks. Some things have not gone the way I planned, but perhaps it is not about what I planned, but is about what God has planned for me. I love it here and I love Holy Cross MCC. Most of the people are nice and so friendly. For anyone who has entertained the idea of attending Holy Cross MCC, know that you will be greeted with a warm welcome and people truly do try to make a difference in your life by letting you know you are wanted and welcome there.

Holy Cross MCC has a praise team that is absolutely awesome and you can tell they are there for God, spreading the word of Jesus Christ, and want others to participate. They do not have privatized labels... Just Praise Team. I like that as I am not into clique's at all.. It is fun to watch them sing and play their musical instruments and it is equally as fulfilling to experience being a part of a congregation that wishes to be involved. I did not realize how much I have missed this type of service.

I have not gone to their more conservative services, which is at 11:00, but I am ready to take that plunge. I also love Pastor David... He is such a gentle spirit and delivers such powerful messages within his kindness and soft demeanor. He has grown on me so much and I appreciate him a great deal. I plan to start going to the Wednesday service on a more regular basis so I can learn more from him.

I look at the strength of our church. They lost their building to Hurricane Ivan and have survived four moves. Yet one has to hunt for a place to sit at the 9:00 service if they did not get there early. I have always been fond of early morning services anyway so this has worked out well.

Sometimes I miss the familiarity of where I moved from, but as I am getting bolder and bolder and venturing further out, I am finding this to be a great fit. When I am out with people who are not with MCC yet, I find myself talking about MCC, my love for God, and my love for Jesus Christ. The great thing about that is once in a while someone wants to go to church and see what it is about.

One thing I have come to terms with recently is I have no desire to deny who I am and my love for the Jesus. I am sure it may turn off some, but I guess the whole point is I could not have it both ways...

Additionally I love scripturally based sermons, and I know I have found exactly that at Holy Cross MCC.

Thank you Holy Cross MCC for helping me feel welcome in your Church Family...


Gardenia said...

Awwwww. I will have to visit MCC with you when I move back. For now that sounds like eons - but like you said God moves us in ways we sometimes don't plan. I hope to get some time to listen to the on-line sermons.

Soooooooooo tired - I've about outdone myself - 16 hour day - all I can say is uuuuunnnhhh...nite now.

Gardenia said...

you might like to visit this guy - blog evangelism! i enjoy his artistic-ness and he is sweet

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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