Friday, July 07, 2006

Great Week So Far

What a great 4th of July this week was. On the fourth I went to some peoples home from church. They are very family oriented and there were at least 3 generations of family there. How fun to watch the children frolic, play, and try to be helpful towards the adults. Just genuine fun!! I tried something I have not tried since the impairment of my arms. They must keep getting better slowly, as a year ago I could not have considered doing this. I actually played horse shoes. Not necessarily the best game of horse shoes, but I was able to do it. I had to ice down that night and the next morning. Still not sure if the tradeoff was worth it, but at least I know I can do it... I wonder if others were sore the next day?

I am still muddling my way around to find my way around Pensacola, but it is getting done. Learning where everything is has been quite a challenge. I thought Corpus Christi was challenging when I moved there a number of years ago. It will be neat when one day someone says "how do I find yada yada," and I can tell them right where it is. Or at least point at the direction.

I am meeting people slowly but surely... Right now I just need to meet a few nice folks to bounce around with... I have been asked to go to eat this week and that should be fun... One thing I had forgotten and have found to be true once again is the question that comes to my mind when I am asked to go do things, is knowing if it is just to bounce around or a date. Right now I just need to make friends and am not ready to make such a profound move as to date. I tend to like keeping dating outside of my church family and/or social circle. Perhaps it is the ego factor if it does not work out, or purely the legistics of their continued presence if it does not work out. I wonder if straight folks have the problem of knowing if it is a date? When guys used to ask me out I assumed it was a date... When women ask me to go places I sometimes feel I need a clarifier; Regardless if I am interested or not. I have always felt awkward asking... Perhaps even moreso if I am not interested. Ö¿Ö

Also planning on getting some fishing in this weekend!! I am so looking forward to it.. I love my ocean and feel the need to fish as much as I used to. Still have not found any shrimp boats. :-D Well off to get my day started.


Gardenia said...

LOL. Why are we so confused? I was just told several days ago how "moony" this guy was over me, that stops in the office occassionaly. My response was, "huh?" Of course, no dating for me anyway...but I hear ya re the confusion. Well, my suggestion would be to just hang out and see what happens and I'll pray for you that you'll know when somethin' is happenin' lol. Glad you had a good 4th. I was sick all weekend -felt draggy, sick & a little scared - always get a little scared when I get sick....gettin' too old :) and realizin' I good just drap over any minute.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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