Thursday, June 26, 2008

Supreme Cout Bans Death Penalty In 5 States, Supporting Child Rapists

As I posted in the San Jose Mercury News....

I am absolutely stunned! I am an adult who was raped repeatedly as a child. The consequences were my childhood was murdered, my ability to have a healthy relationship was murdered, and the bulk of my adult life was robbed until I finally received help around the age of 40. Even then it took several years to receive adequate help to have an semblance of a quality of life.

Is there a way to appeal the supreme court decision on this? If there is, I would like to hear from an attorney who is willing to take this on and adult survivors who are willing to step forward and challenge this. Perhaps we can take a negative and turn it into a positive and do some self empowerment here.

I am the founder of the California Assembly Bill which overturned the statutes of limitations of child predators in California. While some ground was lost, it is law today.

I promised my family I would stay out of the public eye and promised myself I would not get involved in this cause again. But this is where it stops. We are losing too much ground and our children of today and tomorrow deserve better.

America, it is time we stand up for our children and against child rapists. Too many fought too hard to lose ground to a desensitized society.

Chicago Tribune Article

And for the record Barack Obama, you just lost my vote. As quoted in the Chicago Tribune you stated:

"I think that the rape of a small child, 6 or 8 years old, is a heinous crime, and if a state makes a decision that under narrow, limited, well-defined circumstances, the death penalty is at least potentially applicable, that does not violate our Constitution."

You mean to tell me 1 years of age to 5 years of age child rape is not a heinous crime? ...And from 9 years of age and up child rape is not a heinous crime? UNBELIEVABLE! I would expect something with more depth and substance from the man I was going to vote for as president of the United States. Can you not take a solid stand on one thing without trying to make sure you do not rock the boat?

"No I Will Not Be Silent, For In My Silence There Is No Change"


Gardenia said...

Can't get over how nice your blog works and can appreciate the work it took to go on blogspot with the format!

Well, yes. All of what you wrote. I'm putting a link to the book review I did - you must check it out. I will do what I need to do as well. Someone has to speak up for children when the law won't. I got so angry reading this book - its the story of millions of us...Becky died the day she was raped and the first time she went over the canyon - it just took a while for the last breath to leave.

Gardenia said...

PS - the two appointees of President Bush did go against the ban didn't they?

**Ya Think** said...

Thanks on the blog. Actually, other than to replace links, which you can download the old template and save, it too a matter of picking out the blog at and minutes to install it. They have a nice selection. You may want to go peek.

Thanks again.

**Ya Think** said...

Considering I am hearing it was the liberal judges, I am assuming the new appointees probably did go against the ban, but I need to check deeper and see if I can find out who voted what. Did you go look at Mercury News? Where I posted?

Gardenia said...

I did go to Mercury News. I had a counselor tell me once that the only thing that equaled murder is child rape. Guess so - that's murder of the soul. Some of those guys voting are probably perps as well. Betcha $.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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