Monday, June 16, 2008

Count Your Blessings

I have been sitting here this morning trying to decide what to blog about. I miss blogging and need to get back into it. I guess it is the new journal of the 2000's. A type of journal we can share with others, or possibly to keep to ourselves online.. Or giving us the ability to share our experiences with others so those with like minds can share their experiences in return. Perhaps taking a microscopic amount of our experiences to help others in their lives and perhaps embracing their experiences, thoughts, or ideas to help each of us in our own lives. While there are those who I would prefer would stay off my blog, the tradeoff of making it private and feeling like I am in Fort Knox is not an option for me. I lived too much of my life that way and it kept me from meeting new people and experiencing new things, which is no different than on an internet level communications.

At any rate I was thinking this morning about the day I turned in my aluminum cans to pay for the first tank of gas that would take me deeper into the south and away from Corpus Christi, a community I once loved and cherished... A community I thought I would never leave. I had no clue what was ahead of me and the changes it would make in my life. I was afraid of the unknown and the uncertainties of what I was about to do. What would this all mean really? The answers I did not know. I know what I thought I would be doing, but knew that I was giving up some perceived securities once I handed in the keys to my government subsidized apartment and cranked the engine to my van.

My arms still were not working well and my pain level was still high. Two of my young straight friends had packed me as I still could not do that. Even driving any long distances was painful, but leave Corpus Christi I did.

My reasons for leaving and much of the journey I am not going to write about here, as I have finally decided it is time for me to do my memoir. I have set the goal for the release of this collection of experiences in book form to be released in late 2009.

But I can tell you this... This last 2 years has been the most amazing two years with so many blessings and experiences that has placed my life in a much more positive place. Some of the two years has been stormy with many highs and lows. However, each plateau I reached brought me into a better place with so many gifts, friends, security, and a healthier sense of self complimented by a lot of happiness and joy.

There are days that are not much fun due to health stuff and the current economy. But I have friends, people who love me, a home, and hope. Today I can do more for myself and am out of the system that I got caught into the cycle of from 2001 to about 2 years ago.

The neat thing is when I go outside and find a puddle of water, I fuss because my pipes broke in the yard there is a plus to that. The key word here is MY pipes broke in MY home. Now that is much better than having to call a landlord praying they will fix the pipes. And whats more, my neighbors got out there and helped me fix them... What a gift is that?

This morning I came home from dropping off left-over theatre popcorn as I do every week at my neighbors house. We sat and we laughed, teased one another, and talked about the world affairs a bit. I have known them over a year now and there has never been a harsh word or any chaos. How wonderful is that? How blessed I have been.

I don't think about Corpus Christi much anymore, other than to visit my friends Jim and Sharon on the phone occasionally. For some time when I moved here, I was still trying to identify my home with where there was an MCC. I am finding the importance of this dwindling as well. My home is here in these woods and my friends and extended family are all here. I am very happy for the most part. Heck, I don't even think about trying to have a relationship with my half brothers and sisters to speak of anymore. Whatever it was I was yearning for, I have found it here in Alabama.

When I say my prayers, I thank God for all God has given me and I thank those who helped me get here.

I guess I had best get busy and finish cleaning MY house today... What once took me two hours to do takes me 8 or 9 hours. hehe I guess we can't have everything, but I am truly grateful for all God has given me.


About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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