Saturday, June 14, 2008

For The Times They Are A Changing!!

I think many of us have strived for personal growth or whole person growth as depicted in the above wheel. Each category gets streamlined to our lives in where we live, who our families and friends are, and our spiritual paths. Profession to one, may not be the same as profession to others. Yet each of us contain a different threshold physically, so our needs will be very different. I too have gone through many of these changes. Some of the changes were inherant of some of my choices, while others I sought to change.

While still a work in progress, I believe I have made many of the changes that were necessary for me to become a fuller person. I am glad I worked so hard on these goals, for the times they are a changing!! I look around at people's lives and inward at my own life. We are all going to have to be able to adapt and reincorporate our ways of doing things with the current times and the progression towards rougher times many of us have ever known.

For me, emotional strength and maturity is going to have to come into play as this will no longer be optional if I am to survive.


About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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