Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pretty Amazing Grace - Neil Diamond

I have always had a love for Neil Diamond's music. This one holds a whole lot of meaning to me and is now my new fav of his!! Thanks Neil!!


Gardenia said...

I never cared for him until the past few years. Now I like him a lot. What did you do the 4th? Mine dictated what I did, not the other way around. I thought of you, feeling bad that I did not think of asking you down - was the flea market open? I think you would freak out if you were around future SIL anyway - I do.

**Ya Think** said...

I worked on the concession trailer mostly. Don't feel bad for not inviting me. I cannot justify driving that far at this point and have to get a tire on the motorcycle. And I don't think riding the bike on a holiday is such a good plan anyway.

Love you.

Gardenia said...

Hey, cuz - life is quiet for a few moments - a couple of days maybe, whew! Did you get wedding invite? I hope you feel like coming down - it'll be good eats -

Took Sage to Panda the other day - and got to missing you....

Gardenia said...

was just admiring your banner -

I'm having the surgery Wednesday in hopes of becoming more involved in life again!!!!! Sorry I haven't called....I've been trying to get everything done that I've neglected for months....duh....

miss you - I will try to call tomorrow - I will attempt to refuse to leave the house

Chuck in the middle of changing jobs - albertsons closed you know

Joc & hubby here for a couple more weeks as their house finishes up...

Sage down on his little butt with a bad reaction to a wasp sting - spent yesterday with him in ER - he's better finally after four days

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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