Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Online Dating - The Biggest Lies

Well I am sure we have all heard it... Both on and offline for that matter... That is ummmm.. The lies we are told when we are first considering to meet someone we have seen their profile online.

I am not certain if people realize how many deceptive things there are in a single ad, much less the garbage they feed us when we meet them in real life. But it is there...

The other thing I have come to realize after living in this area for two years, it is the same few people who are posted out of how many online users? Now there may be more that are hiding their profiles, but sadly it is the same few.

Well now, back to those lies. I know some of the people in real life that have profiles posted on various dating sites... This is just in the profile mind you and before you begin to talk to them...

A few extra pounds.
Just want to hang out
Enjoy the out of doors
Easy Going
Education Level
Old Photo's
Other peoples photo's
I don't smoke or drink

Without question there are more...

Now lets get to after you start emailing them.. The following are the biggest lies...

I am so over her
We live together, but we have not been a couple for two years
I am easy going
I am stable
I am not a violent person
I don't lie
I used to drink but have been clean and sober for a year.
I have been tested for HIV
I just got out of an abusive relationship and am not an abuser

Plus the usual of liking everything we like until they gotcha!! Ö¿Ö

The list goes on to be sure... What lies have you been told? While I am lesbian, I am sure my straight friends and readers have been told a few whoppers as well.. Do Tell!!


Gardenia said...

This is a wee bit scary - how about "looking for friends" with a moniker of XXXeroticmassagemale? LOL!

**Ya Think** said...

Well ya gotta love it.. I look at the stories they tell, and it simply amazes me.

Now I am not saying there are not some sincere and good ones out there, but I worry about them because they are open prey to people posting to use the good ones as a game piece to get even with their recent ex'es, or to weave them into their web.

Also, I am certain we all see ourselves much differently than others see us, so that could play into it. But I am talking about the obvious lies that will sooner or later catch up with you if someone answers your ad.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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