Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Is Your Purpose?

I am having one of those Pensive Days. Well, I guess I am getting to the age where I am reflecting on the sum total of my life. Lately I have been thinking about people I have known and what they have accomplished in their lives. It is neat, really, to see what direction people I have known over the years, what was important to them, and what was there purpose.

While thinking about this I realized what has been most important to me in my life is to have a life that contained 'purpose'. While 'purpose' can change, there has always been 'purpose' in my life. I suspect this is true of all of us. For a number of years, my purpose was to help change the laws in this country regarding child offenders. Later that purpose became making myself available to those who had been harmed as children. I finally felt the need to step back from this as I was having health problems.

During the period where my health was most rocky and some mobility had been impaired, I found myself feeling as if my life no longer contained purpose. Later as I began my road to recovery my purpose was actually to start living life again and enjoying it. Gradually I was able to give again via community service via the internet.

While thinking about all this, I realized even small things are of purpose for me. For example, the ability to do things for myself and not feel guilty about them. To live out my dreams of living a more simplictic life... To grow gardens and work on my home. Or simply to stay a step ahead of a declining economy whereas I am able to utilize my land to rely less on grocery stores.

Sooo. For those of you who care to share, what is important to you and what is your purpose?
Monday, January 21, 2008

Cupcake The Kitten - Apple of my eye

I needed to lighten up my posts for a few minutes at least. I loved this video. If you are a cat lover I am sure you will love it too. Gardenia, I will gladly supply you the code.
Thursday, January 17, 2008

And They Call It Puppy Love

cute puppy and duckling companionship

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I truly enjoyed this one. Like most children the duckling and the puppy had not been conditioned by society to believe they were not the most likely pair and it was well outside the social norms. If we can teach diversity in ducklings and puppies, can we not teach diversity in our children so they will grow up to be better people? What a wonderful world it would be!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Medicare Deductibles - Quality of Life Dropping Rapidly

Well dang! I went to the Drugstore tonight because my breathing was giving me fits and was going to pick up my medications before I ran out. I have 4 days worth left. With the way gas prices are verses what I drive, 15 miles each way is a long ways to go and I try to time things where I am not wasteful. Well, anyway, I go into the pharmacy and have my standard amount in hand to pay for my medications. They come back with an outlandish amount and I said there must be some mistake. Nope!! No Mistake. My insurance does not cover anything that is a Medicare covered drug. With my insurance the deductible would only be $5.00 per medication. I Take 22 scripts. But since it is medicare the best each of them will be is $55.00 for one and $5.00 for the other. ummmm That is AFTER I meet the deductible. The medications are still there at the pharmacy as I cannot afford them.

You know, I don't get this. They tell me I qualify for poverty level medicare rates and give me a little over $900.00 for SSD. Then they turn around and give me this deductible. It makes no sense to me how they figure this. This puts me further behind than I was two years ago.

Well I got snitty. Not at the person helping me, but at the situation. I told her I have friends that would be dead in two days if this happened to them. She agreed. Then I furthered to say that maybe this regime is working towards a pure society and deliberately trying to get throw aways off the roles by placing us in the position we could not get our medications. She looked stunned.

Now I know I am a good person and not a throw-away, but after watching what happened during the aftermath of Katrina I began to realize there is a huge difference at the help someone from Palm Beach gets vs. someone who lives in the poorest neighborhood of New Orleans. Don't laugh or roll your eyes... I don't think this is that far fetched. Look back... Seniors and disabled were the last taken out; even then it was in the back of U-Haul trucks. Do you remember the heat index? It was over 100 degrees. I think our current president would be more than happy to have a pure white society.

I live frugally. I don't go out to movies and I rarely go out to eat. I try to budget my comfort level here at the house. Even after budgeting my electric, for which I was still cold, my bill was $140.00. My partial solution to that was to turn off my cable television. the only frill, and then it is not a frill is my computer, which a church member donated.

I know I cannot be the only one who is going through this. I simply can't be. Two years ago I could make ends meet. Even a year ago, but it was tight.

I know God will take care of me as God always does. But darned, I am to the point of having to beg for help and I don't like this one bit. And you know, I see a lot of people on the streets that I know God loves. So my hopes of how God will take care of me may not equate to how it plays out. For any of us for that matter.

The waiting lists for senior and disabled housing are upwards of 3 to 5 years down here due to the hurricanes. Even then, with the cuts in all the programs, will I be any better off? How long will they last? At least here, even though I live on unfinished plywood floors I know I have a place. I don't think there is much difference here than there would be in an apartment complex for seniors and disabled individuals.

Already I have had to stoop to receiving groceries from food pantry's. And even then a good share of it I am not supposed to have and is not good for my already high cholesterol and my heart. My doctor writes down non-compliant every time I go in. My bad cholesterol is 198. My overall cholesterol is 325. Yet another doctor wants me to move to a dryer climate. HELLO!! Financially that is not going to happen unless I win the lottery.

I used the calculator online at the Human Services site for food stamps. I'll be darned.. It appears I may qualify. Yet two years ago I did not. The economy is so upside down it is just awful. Maybe we can help even things out with that.

Society seems to be set up to punish seniors and people with disabilities. And yes, those who are less advantaged, not as attractive, and not as smart. I know this is not about me and I am just one of many who this effects. But you know, I try to be there for others, I try to be giving, and I try to do the right things... I was always taught if I worked hard, treated others right, and did things a certain way the rest would come.

Well I am done ranting and will go figure out other ways to work around this.

Thanks for listening.
Ya Think?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Let It Go by T.D. Jakes


What you see below was on my Pastors Blog: Hope you appreciate it as much as I do.
I see a lot in this that can apply to my life.

January 7, 2008
Let It Go!
This was sent to me and I have no idea if TD Jakes said it or not, but it is awesome and such good advise. Maybe it will help some of you understand more where I'm coming from on some issues. Enjoy!

By T. D. Jakes

There are people who can walk away from you.
And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk
Away from you: let them walk.
I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you,
Loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you,
Staying attached to you.
I mean hang up the phone.
When people can walk away from you let them walk.
Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.
The Bible said that, they came out from us that it might
Be made manifest that they were not for us.
For had they been of us, no doubt they
Would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19]
People leave you because they are not joined to you.
And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay.
Let them go.
And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it just means
That their part in the story is over. And you've got
To know when people's part in your story is over so that you
Don't keep trying to raise the dead.
You've got to know when it's dead.
You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you something.
I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift,
I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful,
it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God
Means for me to have He'll give it to me.
And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it.
Stop begging people to stay.
Let them go!!
If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you
And was never intended for your life, then you need to......
If you are holding on to past hurts and pains ......
If someone can't treat you right, love you back,
And see your worth.....
If someone has angered you,
If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge......
If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction......
If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets
Your needs or talents
If you have a bad attitude.......
If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better......
If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take
You to a new level in Him........
If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship.......
If you keep trying to help someone who won't even
Try to help themselves......
If you're feeling depressed and stressed .........
If there is a particular situation that you are so used to
Handling yourself and God is saying
"take your hands off of it," then you need to......
Let the past be the past. Forget the former things.
GOD is doing a new thing for this New Year!
Get Right or Get Left .. Think about it, and then,
"The Battle is the Lord's!"

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Suzi Quatro - Stumblin In

I believe this is one of my most favorite songs from Suzi. I remember when this song was first released. I was so in love and thought that love would never end. Actually, it didn't for me. I still love her as if it were yesterday. I thought we would be together forever. This brings back good memories of that time.

In watching this, it simply amazes me people often said you remind me of Suzi Quatro. I did not see it then and I certainly do not see it now. Kind of fun to wonder why now.

Thanks Suzi for this You Tube Video!!

To Listen to this video you must turn off the music at bottom of the blog.. It will be worth it if you like this video.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ok - So Like I am addicted!! What can I say.

Well who would have thunk I would become addicted to MySpace. My account sat there dormant and a young friend wanted me to add her as a friend. So to humor her I added her. Much to her shagrin she saw I had no photo, no bio, and no fun stuff on there. She asked if she could dress it up for me. I changed the password so she would not have my master password to humor her and off she went. So I went and looked at it again when she was done. Can you say HELLO INNER CHILD?
Well my inner child has definately been out to play. It is so inner-active. I am enjoying myself. I found out you can go get all these neat comments as you can see about. I can blog, make comments add whistles and bells, and all sorts of neat things.
Hope to see you there.
Ya Think!!
who needs to let her hair down once in a while.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pipes Froze This Morning

What a fricken day!!

I got up this morning and I had left the cold water dripping. Well that did not work. The cold did not freeze, but the hot did. Finally I got them working. I don't think I like PVC pipes at the moment. Well then... I am getting ready to go to work and I have a flat tire on the little car. hmph!! So I took off in the van since I don't have any of my tools here right now.

SOOOOO.. I get to work to find another surprise. I had sold someone my old van for STORAGE until it was paid for. Meaning it was for them to store their parts in. I told him I had best not see that van on the road or it would cancel our agreement. Well I got there and NO David and NO Van. Well when he got back, he paid it off, so I decided to just put a lid on it and let it go. David reminds me of an old manipulative carney. He is a grump, but probably out of so many lifes hurts. He is manipulative, but probably because that is the only way he could get by on such limited resources.

So I let it go and am glad I don't have to do that dance with him anymore.

Sassy is such a hoot tonight. one of my picture frames is sitting inside of my wall units and Miss Sassy is barking up a storm at herself. Annie is chiming right in. LOL Bless thier hearts. Annie is really growing on me. She has such a personality and is such a character. Everything is such important business to her.

I am getting Rave Reviews over what I have done with my kitchen so far. When it is done I will post it. Should not be more than a couple of weeks now. Winter, I think, is the time I enjoy doing working inside on the house.

I am definately not as warm as I would like to be, but it is not AS bad as last year. I think tomorrow I will go get an additional space heater. Two is doing fair, but one more should make life a bit more comfortable.

Got to hear from my cousin today and it sounds as if she is feeling a bit better. I bet she could just lynch me for being such a clucker where she is concerned. What can I say.. I love her.

I hear my half brother Bill has pneumonia out in California and is self medicating. He has copd too and I do worry about him. We are not close but I do care about him.

This coming Monday, I am moving my bed into the living room. I have a good sized living room. I am going to make this into a studio until winter is over. At least the coldest part.

Well I am off to bed early tonight.

Hopefully my pipes won't freeze again tonight.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ian Tyson

If I have but one gift to thank Bonnie for it would be the gift of Ian Tyson. During my time of living in Modoc County, Lake City, California, and Lookout Mountain, California, I will always remember it for its splendor, it's beauty, and the gift of Ian Tyson.
Please Enjoy Ian. Ian has a love for the state of Wyoming. He is a Canadian Singer. I think he is awesome.

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Well here is wishing ALL a happy New Year.
I made a few New Years Resolutions.
1. Quit Smoking, which I accomplished early..
2. Forgiveness - Some of the things I need to work on may require 77 X 7, but I am going to
do it.
3. Get back to my Bible Study and Meditations with God.
4. Working on my house!!
-Today I had some free time and worked on my kitchen and my kitchen looks Boss! I can
now move around in it and am ready to resume painting... etc
5. Work on putting together a wardrobe that I do not look like a bagabon at inappropriate
times. This won't happen overnight.
6. Spend time with those who mean a lot to me, as I know we don't have forever to do it.
7. Get back into the routine of going to church. Even if some Sundays I have to go locally
because of gas prices.
8. Quit sweating the small stuff and concentrate on things that are important.
So that is pretty much it!! I am sure there is more, but most of it falls under this category. I am sorry I did not get this up earlier, but I was without internet service for a short time. I am glad really, as it taught me the end of the world will not come if I am not sitting in front of my computer. I am going to be spending less time online and more time working with my home and my pets; Also balancing that with friends.
Thanks everyone in my life for being you and so supportive over the last year. What a gift! It is definately true that God puts the right people in our lives, exactly at the right time when we need them the most. I hope I give back to each of you a fraction of what you have given me. This holds true for my local friends, my church friends, my family, my family of choice, and my internet friends.
God Bless and Have a Wonderful New Year.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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