Sunday, November 11, 2007

God is Good!!

I have not blogged much lately. Things have been good for a while. I cannot complain... Not having a g/f has turned out to be a plus for me. I like it much better this way. A woman I have known for many years contacted me yesterday and the conversation went something like this...
caller: I have been thinking about moving to Alabama
me: Why?
caller: Well I think I would be better off living a ways out of my community.
me: Oh
Caller: You would not consider selling me part of your property would you.
me: NOPE!
caller: Are there any other fixer uppers in the area?
me: Don't know
Caller: Are you with anybody?
me: NO! And I don't want to be! I am soooo done with that chapter....
I think you get the idea... One thing is clear for me... I am in no hurry to nestle...
I had problems with my vehicles recently.... Both the van and the car were down and within 3 hours I was in a nicer vehicle than the other two combined. God is Good!!
My tower croaked but my brother in law got me a new external hard drive to back up data in the future. 380 Gigs!! Once again, God is good... I will miss the data I lost, but I am going to hang onto the hard drive until I can go to a data recovery place and get it back.
I think the biggest gift I have been giving follows this following story. When I moved up here I had quit... I moved up here in a mode where I was not going to fight life anymore. What I did not realize is what I had done was let go and let God. I have never been shown so much love and respect in my life. My neighbors are awesome and have been such a positive force in my life. It is great because it is a give and take friendship. Actually, they said the other day they consider me family at this point. To know me is to know I have long since grieved for the loss of having a family. Well Hal is definitely family, but outside of him I have been pretty much on my own for quite some time.
A couple of weeks ago Bea told me to come in the office to have my picture taken at church. She forgot to mention the part that this was a video and I was going to have to talk. Boy was it awkward... But actually, I was proud to find out that I am now in the Counsel of Ministries. I hope I can continue to live up to the title and will always do all I can to be a positive force in my church. Once again, God is so Good when I look at how I left Corpus Christi. I think that was an era of learning in my life.
I don't know what I am doing for Thanksgiving yet as gas prices are so high I don't believe I will be able to go to Pensacola. I would suspect it will work itself out.
Guess I will close for now...


About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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