Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I made the best rump roast yesterday!!

To Know me is to know my love for my Showtime Rotisserie by Popeil. It is awesome!!!
Regardless if you have the Showtime or not, you can still make a wonderful roast using an injector.
Well I was over at I believe Dollar General and bought a bottle of Spice Select Minced Garlic.
Well then a few days later Winn Dixie had Rump Roast on sale. If you bought one you get one free. So I bought 2 4.5 lb roasts.
I was truly needing some comfort food and wanted to make sure I cooked my roast just so so. I cannot afford to get meat of that quality often. First I thought about a Pot Roast, which I have a wonderful recipe for and then thought about my Showtime. I went and got the injector out and picked various places to inject the spiced garlic in the roast I added a little bit of steak rub on it and put it in the rotisserie. When Popeil says set it and forget it they are not kidding. Anyway depending on how rare or well done you want it is how long you cook it.
Ya Think!!


Gardenia said...

Oh my gosh - I bet this was so good. You are a good cook anyway! I had a short day trip - home today - they had trashed the house in one evening, I spent the day cleaning a spilled bottle of soy sauce out of the fridge, the floor, the counter tops, the cupboard doors......and washing boy clothes for school...watched a spooky movie or two - -

**Ya Think** said...

Dang Gardenia!!

You know, maybe I need to get over it, but one of my pet peeves is people undoing all my hard work and efforts. I always feel it is disrespectful of me, but when it comes right down to it, it is not it is about them not caring enough about themselves or their home.

Now.. How about pouring the soy sauce in front of the tv screens in each of their bedrooms :-) THAT they will care about. Maybe it would teach them some victim empathy. But more than likely it would not be worth doing. LOL

Heidi Grether said...

I just saw you at Gardenia's. I was hoping to get to see your artwork. LOVED the poems/scriptures blog and the music.

**Ya Think** said...

Hey Hattigrace,

I am probably a better writer than I am an artist. I do pottery. When I get enough done on my home, I will set up my wheel. Pottery is my artform.

Also Websites is another one of my artforms and chance for self expression.

Thanks for the compliments!! Thanks for being there for one of the most important people in my life, which is Gardenia!! She is a wonderful person...

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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