Thursday, October 04, 2007

Living With COPD

It took me a long time to admit, much less start dealing with the fact I have COPD. I finally came clean with my doctors, instead of spending hours before I go to the doctor regulating my breathing. I am sure they are smart enough to know I was hiding in my own denial.

Please click on the above title to read up on how to manage your life with COPD. It has a lot of useful information on it. I cannot say one word about denial, as I have lived with my own denial, but I will suggest anyone dx'ed with this disease be open and honest with their doctors. I am on a nebulizer (breathing machine) every 4 hours. I think about how long I suffered because I was closet about my COPD.

Nuff Said
Ya Think!!


Gardenia said...

You are right - I do need to find a decent doc - some say I have COPD - where are the tests? Here is looks like COPD and chronic bronchitis can be two different things. Maybe I'm lucky? Anyway the tips are good just for chronic illness - I like the conserving energy part - it is so hard to take care of oneself when feeling so crappy and now the food prices are insane - $10 for a bottle of olive oil and/or p-nut butter...

**Ya Think** said...

Actually, both Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema are catagorized as the two components which make up COPD. They can be seperate or in sync with each other. I have both.

There are tests. I have had them. Stress Tests and Breathing Tests. If you have a shortness of breath, you most likely have one and/or the other.

DAYUM about the food prices. Does this mean if I ever moved back to Corpus Christi I would no longer be shopping at Sun Harvest? ...and no.... I will never move back there.

Do you know about Angel Food Ministries? It is not an indigent program. .. Check into it. There is more than one in P'Cola. It will save you an obscene amount of money on groceries.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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