Thursday, October 04, 2007

Amber's Story

I watched Amber's Story on Lifetime Television last night. First, I want to express what a Phenomenal Woman Amber's mother Donna is. The time, dedication, and courage for her to resolve her anguish by the means of the greater good touches my heart. Her dedication will make a difference in the outcome and the lives of many in the years to come.

This movie brought me back to a time so long ago; A time I wish had never occurred and wish I could find a way to tuck it neatly in my forgotten file, leaving me the option not to have to relive the memories and the pain.

When I was approximately 27 years old, one of my employee's little girl was abducted. If Amber Alert had been in place then, the odds of having gotten Tara back in the first few hours would have increased immensely. Watching this movie had me wondering how many things would have been different for Tara, her family, and all of us who were closely connected to the family.

I will never forget the gruelling investigation. The family, and anyone who is close to the family is automatically a suspect in a kidnapping. It was a horrible feeling to not know where Tara was, much less being polygraphed by the FBI. Investigation tactics are nasty. These tactics destroy friendships and families at a time the bonds between friends and family are most important. The investigators do not care who they hurt during an investigation. There is no room for balance between compassion and finding an abducted child. This is another nice thing about Amber Alert; The Amber Alert System does not get caught up in familiy and friend dynamics; Nor does it get caught up in statistics that state most abductions are done by a family member or someone who knows the family. Tara's was a stranger abduction and statistics got in the way of the investigation of Tara back in the 80's. To have found Tara in those first few hours not only would have changed the outcome of Tara's life, but the lives of all those who knew her, cared about her, and loved her.

Ten and a half months later Tara came home. Her life altered forever. She had lived life disguised as a little boy in a beat up van on the streets of San Francisco. She left knowing one persons name at 2 1/2 years old and came back with an x-rated vocabulary at 3 years of age. I think the rest of what occurred goes without saying. It took much counseling for her to be able to find her way in the world. Without question, Amber Alert could have altered much of what happened to Tara. Some say Tara was one of the lucky ones, as she lived. I have fought with that one long and hard... 10 1/2 months of the type of abuse Tara suffered is far from luck.. Don't get me wrong here... I am grateful they found Tara alive.. I just have trouble defining luck when it comes to this topic.

Thank you Donna and all those who worked with you to make the Amber Alert what it is today.

Ya Think!!


Gardenia said...

Wow. Don't know what else to say. This world is full of evil and heavy things. Poor Tara, I am crying for her, for all of us.

My friend in Wyoming whose daughter was kidnapped and murdered has gone through complete hell - I don't know how she lived and kept her sanity. Also the little Burridge girls in Casper - I used to babysit them and had rocked them in my arms - two are dead from kidnapping, abuse and murder.

I can't reconcile all this. I don't understand a society that lets this happen.

At least that guy who kept the little girl in his trailer (with family and friends present) and buried her alive has been sentenced to death. I hope the method of execution is live burial. In a plastic sack.

Well, on to the day -I know I have been scarce - I'm trying popping out a little to things besides doctor appts - not making a lot of headway. I still have computer on list - its probably too late?

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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