Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pretty Amazing Grace - Neil Diamond

I have always had a love for Neil Diamond's music. This one holds a whole lot of meaning to me and is now my new fav of his!! Thanks Neil!!
Friday, June 27, 2008

Is The United States Still The Leading Nation?

For some time I have wondered who the leading nation is and if we have lost footing worldwide. I have suggested this in more than one blog entry that China is now the leading nation. Well yesterday, there was a Fox News article in regards to North Korea Turning over its completed reports to China, and China would in turn pass it on to the other nations. Ö¿Ö. This is one step further to confirming my belief China is now the big Honcho worldwide. Here is a link to one of the articles I found. While this appears subtle and most will miss it, my hunch is we will see an increase of the presence of China.
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Supreme Cout Bans Death Penalty In 5 States, Supporting Child Rapists

As I posted in the San Jose Mercury News....

I am absolutely stunned! I am an adult who was raped repeatedly as a child. The consequences were my childhood was murdered, my ability to have a healthy relationship was murdered, and the bulk of my adult life was robbed until I finally received help around the age of 40. Even then it took several years to receive adequate help to have an semblance of a quality of life.

Is there a way to appeal the supreme court decision on this? If there is, I would like to hear from an attorney who is willing to take this on and adult survivors who are willing to step forward and challenge this. Perhaps we can take a negative and turn it into a positive and do some self empowerment here.

I am the founder of the California Assembly Bill which overturned the statutes of limitations of child predators in California. While some ground was lost, it is law today.

I promised my family I would stay out of the public eye and promised myself I would not get involved in this cause again. But this is where it stops. We are losing too much ground and our children of today and tomorrow deserve better.

America, it is time we stand up for our children and against child rapists. Too many fought too hard to lose ground to a desensitized society.

Chicago Tribune Article

And for the record Barack Obama, you just lost my vote. As quoted in the Chicago Tribune you stated:

"I think that the rape of a small child, 6 or 8 years old, is a heinous crime, and if a state makes a decision that under narrow, limited, well-defined circumstances, the death penalty is at least potentially applicable, that does not violate our Constitution."

You mean to tell me 1 years of age to 5 years of age child rape is not a heinous crime? ...And from 9 years of age and up child rape is not a heinous crime? UNBELIEVABLE! I would expect something with more depth and substance from the man I was going to vote for as president of the United States. Can you not take a solid stand on one thing without trying to make sure you do not rock the boat?

"No I Will Not Be Silent, For In My Silence There Is No Change"

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Be Back Sometime Tonight!!

Little Tom and I have...............

Be Back When The Fish Quit Bitin!!

Self Empowerment - Casting out the negative and embracing the positive!

Reflecting over the past year, I have come to realize the way I am viewing life, myself, and others is changing. I have come to realize the quality of our life is about choices... The choice to let go of the old... The choice to invite healthier people into our lives... The choice not to set ourselves up... Or even something as simple as the choice to concentrate on the good in a person, as opposed to their downside... Now of course that does not mean remain immersed with those who have chosen to spend their lives in a victim role with no rays of sun in sight.

I believe it was Rita Mae Brown who once said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." While I have heard this over the years, I don't believe it really struck home as to how true and profound this statement is. It is in recent times I have learned this to be true. For example, for years I defined myself as not worthy if I were not in a relationship. I continued to settle out in order to be in a relationship and would give up what I was doing for others. Of course, it would result in another failed relationship and I would be back to square one starting my adult life over. Some time later, usually when I was finally getting something going for myself that was positive, I would attract someone else and would do the same thing again. Well the thing is, when I have something going for myself, and I am positive and happy, I am going to attract others. When I am living life in a victim role, others are going to scatter if they are in fact healthy.

I finally broke out of the relationship addiction mold late last summer. For the first time I did not give up myself or what I was doing for others. While I stayed in it long enough to rain on my financial parade for a few months, I have actually begun to see daylight from this too. I voted with my feet and told them they could not live here. But I still have my home, I still have my sanity, and I did not forfeit my plans of laying a foundation for security for myself.

Recently, someone who I was actually interested in years ago and was not interested in me at that time began to show an interest... I found myself leery and remembered they had lived their life in chaos and in victim mode when I once knew them. One of my friends felt I should embrace them into my life and consider having a relationship with them. I expressed my concerns to my friend and told them I would try to keep an open mind and give them room for having achieved possible growth over the years. Well this person began to call me more and as time went by the calls began to deteriorate and seemed to be centered around how the world has done them wrong, how their family has done them wrong, and still in the place of not making the necessary adjustments to move past all this. In reality they were on the same page they were many years ago.

I finally found myself speaking up asking them if they had sought out counseling and told them the only thing they could change in the equation was themselves. I found myself uncomfortable as time had progressed because I realized this was me not all that long ago. I had been living my life in a victim role for a very long time and it took grabbing myself by the heels and making one foot step in front of the other to discontinue living life this way.

I do know one thing for certain; I am happy living my life alone and I do not define my self worth today by being with another person. I have few friends, but the friends I do have live life in a positive way and are self empowered. I no longer measure my self worth by how many friends I have, but rather the quality of the few friends I have. I don't have much in monetary things, but the things I do have are truly me and not to impress others...

I don't spend my life working with survivors anymore, for in reality they were content living their lives in victim roles. I was simply the sounding board, while in reality we were fueling one another. Actually, I have come to the realization the term survivor is really rhetoric and is politically correct jargon. While one may survive trauma or inadequate care as a child, thriving comes with the willingness to let go, the willingness to forgive, the willingness to create a meaningful life for ourselves. Hence; Self Empowerment must come into play for us to have productive lives. That cannot come with pointing our fingers at everyone else for the failures in our own lives. We must address our own role in everything we do if we are going to reap the benefits of continued growth. While my life is not perfect and I have a long ways to go to overcome bad habits and ways of living my life, my life is nothing like it was when I was living it in this way..

I have come to learn that self empowerment is not about pleasing others or getting the needy puppy dog pat on the head for how well I am doing. If I am truly self empowered, and I believe I have finally gotten there, the rewards will show in every aspect of my life and a pat on the head will not be important. Those I used to seek the pat on the head from were indeed self empowered and they were not seeking pats on the head from others.

I am doing well now, and I know I will attract others who like what they see and want what I have. However their happiness and self empowerment has to come from inside them and if they are trying to achieve what I have through being with me, it cannot work. This falls true in reverse as well... I cannot find my happiness and wellness through another. It must come from within or is doomed for failure.

So I guess I will pass on my crush from many years ago.. I have to remind myself not to try to counsel them, as their growth can only come from hard work and choices to move their life forward. I can love them and care about them on a more sparing level and in a Christian way. I have suggested to them they may wish to seek out counseling.

So here's to continued growth, continued changes, and positive thinking. Here is to forgiving others, forgiving myself, making better decision, and continuing my path to Self Empowerment.
Monday, June 16, 2008

Count Your Blessings

I have been sitting here this morning trying to decide what to blog about. I miss blogging and need to get back into it. I guess it is the new journal of the 2000's. A type of journal we can share with others, or possibly to keep to ourselves online.. Or giving us the ability to share our experiences with others so those with like minds can share their experiences in return. Perhaps taking a microscopic amount of our experiences to help others in their lives and perhaps embracing their experiences, thoughts, or ideas to help each of us in our own lives. While there are those who I would prefer would stay off my blog, the tradeoff of making it private and feeling like I am in Fort Knox is not an option for me. I lived too much of my life that way and it kept me from meeting new people and experiencing new things, which is no different than on an internet level communications.

At any rate I was thinking this morning about the day I turned in my aluminum cans to pay for the first tank of gas that would take me deeper into the south and away from Corpus Christi, a community I once loved and cherished... A community I thought I would never leave. I had no clue what was ahead of me and the changes it would make in my life. I was afraid of the unknown and the uncertainties of what I was about to do. What would this all mean really? The answers I did not know. I know what I thought I would be doing, but knew that I was giving up some perceived securities once I handed in the keys to my government subsidized apartment and cranked the engine to my van.

My arms still were not working well and my pain level was still high. Two of my young straight friends had packed me as I still could not do that. Even driving any long distances was painful, but leave Corpus Christi I did.

My reasons for leaving and much of the journey I am not going to write about here, as I have finally decided it is time for me to do my memoir. I have set the goal for the release of this collection of experiences in book form to be released in late 2009.

But I can tell you this... This last 2 years has been the most amazing two years with so many blessings and experiences that has placed my life in a much more positive place. Some of the two years has been stormy with many highs and lows. However, each plateau I reached brought me into a better place with so many gifts, friends, security, and a healthier sense of self complimented by a lot of happiness and joy.

There are days that are not much fun due to health stuff and the current economy. But I have friends, people who love me, a home, and hope. Today I can do more for myself and am out of the system that I got caught into the cycle of from 2001 to about 2 years ago.

The neat thing is when I go outside and find a puddle of water, I fuss because my pipes broke in the yard there is a plus to that. The key word here is MY pipes broke in MY home. Now that is much better than having to call a landlord praying they will fix the pipes. And whats more, my neighbors got out there and helped me fix them... What a gift is that?

This morning I came home from dropping off left-over theatre popcorn as I do every week at my neighbors house. We sat and we laughed, teased one another, and talked about the world affairs a bit. I have known them over a year now and there has never been a harsh word or any chaos. How wonderful is that? How blessed I have been.

I don't think about Corpus Christi much anymore, other than to visit my friends Jim and Sharon on the phone occasionally. For some time when I moved here, I was still trying to identify my home with where there was an MCC. I am finding the importance of this dwindling as well. My home is here in these woods and my friends and extended family are all here. I am very happy for the most part. Heck, I don't even think about trying to have a relationship with my half brothers and sisters to speak of anymore. Whatever it was I was yearning for, I have found it here in Alabama.

When I say my prayers, I thank God for all God has given me and I thank those who helped me get here.

I guess I had best get busy and finish cleaning MY house today... What once took me two hours to do takes me 8 or 9 hours. hehe I guess we can't have everything, but I am truly grateful for all God has given me.
Saturday, June 14, 2008

For The Times They Are A Changing!!

I think many of us have strived for personal growth or whole person growth as depicted in the above wheel. Each category gets streamlined to our lives in where we live, who our families and friends are, and our spiritual paths. Profession to one, may not be the same as profession to others. Yet each of us contain a different threshold physically, so our needs will be very different. I too have gone through many of these changes. Some of the changes were inherant of some of my choices, while others I sought to change.

While still a work in progress, I believe I have made many of the changes that were necessary for me to become a fuller person. I am glad I worked so hard on these goals, for the times they are a changing!! I look around at people's lives and inward at my own life. We are all going to have to be able to adapt and reincorporate our ways of doing things with the current times and the progression towards rougher times many of us have ever known.

For me, emotional strength and maturity is going to have to come into play as this will no longer be optional if I am to survive.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Online Dating - The Biggest Lies

Well I am sure we have all heard it... Both on and offline for that matter... That is ummmm.. The lies we are told when we are first considering to meet someone we have seen their profile online.

I am not certain if people realize how many deceptive things there are in a single ad, much less the garbage they feed us when we meet them in real life. But it is there...

The other thing I have come to realize after living in this area for two years, it is the same few people who are posted out of how many online users? Now there may be more that are hiding their profiles, but sadly it is the same few.

Well now, back to those lies. I know some of the people in real life that have profiles posted on various dating sites... This is just in the profile mind you and before you begin to talk to them...

A few extra pounds.
Just want to hang out
Enjoy the out of doors
Easy Going
Education Level
Old Photo's
Other peoples photo's
I don't smoke or drink

Without question there are more...

Now lets get to after you start emailing them.. The following are the biggest lies...

I am so over her
We live together, but we have not been a couple for two years
I am easy going
I am stable
I am not a violent person
I don't lie
I used to drink but have been clean and sober for a year.
I have been tested for HIV
I just got out of an abusive relationship and am not an abuser

Plus the usual of liking everything we like until they gotcha!! Ö¿Ö

The list goes on to be sure... What lies have you been told? While I am lesbian, I am sure my straight friends and readers have been told a few whoppers as well.. Do Tell!!

Monday, June 09, 2008

SHOCK - A 5 Letter Word

Yesterday someone told me they quit their job. I looked a tad perplexed and asked them why.. They stated after paying for gas for their midsized vehicle that they come home with $150.00 a month and can no longer afford to go to work. Instead, they are going to garage sale from their home until they can figure out what to do. I asked where they got their inventory.. They stated they are having to sell their personal belongings in order to pull through this until a minimum wage job at home could be secured. Gas is now $4.00 per gallon and no end in sight for it to either go down or stop surging.
For myself, I finally gave in and traded my utility trailer for a motorcycle that was not all that new, but will do what I need it to do FOR NOW. But how long will it be before I can no longer afford to ride the motorcycle? Someone told me I am going to get myself killed, and my answer was.. At least that is a lot quicker than starving to death or burning up in the heat in my home.

Yet another online friend wrote a blog entry called Empty Wallet. She stated at the rate it is going with the 20% increase at the grocery stores created by the fuel prices, she will be a homeless senior person in less than three years.

For myself I had put my electric bill on an average of $94.00 per month.. This lasted two months when they raised the average to $128.00 per month. So where does that stop? How much longer will I be able to hold out. Well I suppose I can keep selling things at the flea market, but how long will it be before there will be no buyers there? Afterall, this takes money and gas.. People cannot afford to go..

One solution I have come up with for my senior friends and those with disabilities is I have acreage and perhaps if they were to get travel trailers they could pay me a moderate amount to live here. It is a thought, but the problem will be septic tanks for each of them. Or perhaps portable buildings we finish off into living quarters. It is a better option than the streets and I am more than willing to concider this for the right people. Perhaps communal living from the late 60's and early 70's will have to become a part of the baby boomers lives. It is clear the government is not going to be there for us..

At first I wanted to blame Bush for the gas crisis and that he was over inflating them. Perhaps this is not the case, but it is Middle East warfare and will do more harm than bombing America. Perhaps this is unorthodoxed sanctions against the United States for the role we have played in the Middle East and defying the wishes of the United Nations. I am not certain and these are only speculations, but the current regime certainly did not win world friends or support, but I do think they influenced people and not in a positive way.

What I do know is we are in trouble. I have no answers for myself other than to shave back, and shave back I have. I have cut out cable TV, I have cut the cell phones to bare minimum and may have to concider dropping them altogether. I have placed myself at risk by buying a motorcycle, but the options far outweigh the risks.

I am sad because we no longer live in the America we once knew. Service jobs that older Americans can do have been given to India and other once Third World Nations.. Manufacturing now belongs to China and the influx of products is shotty at best. We were once the leading nation and while I cannot be certain, China is now the leading nation. They will enjoy all we once took for granted.

The middle class in this nation will now become the poor and the poor will now become the throw-aways. What will happen from here? I do know the older single folks or the disabled must ban together and start buying acreage that is non-zoned so we can collectively pull through this. It seems like the only logical answer. This is where we are all going to have to learn to get along.

I know of folks who once lived in upscale homes now living in old travel trailers. How sad is that? Collectively, perhaps we can increase hope for those who are going through what we are.

Well heres to mobility.. At least for now

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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