Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Online Personals

Well it is no secret I have been known to use the online personals to meet someone.. Now we have heard the saying Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, but is it really that different than meeting someone in person?

This post is mostly in gest regarding the things I have experienced over the years. Answering personal ads in a newspaper used to be frowned upon by many, yet in the information era, nobody seems to find it unacceptable anymore. Since I am a woman who does not let what others think get in the way of my choices and decisions, my personal ads predating the internet had been known to cross my path.

Now how is it that I can go to church with often upward of 80 women there and not meet that special someone, but I think I can go online and meet someone out of 12 to 30 women in my area? If I cannot meet someone with 80 women, why the heck would I think I can do it in less? Well now, I guess I can look outside the area, but how is THAT going to work? This could lead to years of long distance, or moving in together prematurely. Yet, I am always still hopeful.. haha..

With that said there is the upside to local online dating. Isn't there? The red flags should be very transparent. I met one that when she showed up, I swear the picture she sent was not she!! I cannot begin to tell you how many I have met that used 10 or 20 year old pictures. Then there is the category A few extra pounds.. I cannot begin to tell you how many I have met that this statement simply was not so. Then there is the age thingie!! Somehow they are MUCH older than stated on their profile. Can you spell red flags? Not that any of these things would matter, but it is starting out on a dishonest note. I did meet one woman in Mississippi that was extremely honest in the presentation of herself, but we did not click. So I guess the profiles can be a good thing if one were to vote with their feet when they realize the profile did not match the person. It is like KNOCK KNOCK, yet the need to meet that special someone tends to overshadow the red flags.

Now the kewl thing I have had happen in the personals world is often times they have introduced me to their friends. While I found no romantic interest with their friends, I developed some long lasting friendships.

The other interesting point is I have now been here for almost two years. 90% of the women on the personal sites are the SAME WOMEN!! Some I know for fact have had relationships and are back once again. Rarely does a new one show up. It is kind of like a soap opera; Go away and come back six months later and there they are.

So PolyAnna me still has my ad on the personals.. In hopes of meeting that special someone. However I have become a lot wiser through the process and am narrowing it down to those in the area and not doing long distance. Hmmmm.. Long Distance!! Don't even let me get started with that! haha I had one who came to be with me and one I went to be with.. I would not dream of moving that freely with someone I met at church much less a total stranger...

To think not all that long ago I could honestly say I had not dated in 7 years... The next one I meet, through church or otherwise is going to have to have similar interests and I am going to date them for a long time before making more permanent decisions.


Gardenia said...

If we ever get together for lunch remind me to tell you about Big, Beautiful Women and the resulting scared rabbit syndrom. Never, never, never again. You will laugh your head off.

**Ya Think** said...

Hey Gardenia,

Now THIS is a story I want to hear. I am always open to gest, fun, and good laughs.

I have pulled out of the broke thingie quicker than I thought I would after going to CT this month. Lets plan on Lunch Monday or Tuesday. Providing this crud lets up, I will not let you down...

Love you!!

Gardenia said...

Monday sounds great - I'll treat & still owe you that $ - but do get well! Don't crawl out of bed if you are still sick - I will understand.

Gardenia said...

IF I were ever to go looking, I would be tempted to try Match.com - it looks good on TV anyway. But, still - I have been out of the looking scene for so long, I would have NO idea - I wouldn't know if someone were looking at me thinking of killing me or dating me. Duh.

I don't think I even remember how to have sex.

My standards are way too high now - they would have to be comfortably fixed with money and generous, kind, socially appropriate, nice looking - the kind that comes from the inside, romantic, interested in the things I'm interested in.....adore me, loyal, laugh a lot but not afraid to cry, emotionally available - like cats, and that's all I can think of now!

I have friends who say they could only find those qualities in other women, but I'm not so sure that works out any better either.

Maybe a "steady" with some of those qualities, but don't move in? You stay in your space, I stay in mine - maybe that will work.

LOL, signed, "Frustrated Hetero"

**Ya Think** said...

LOL I loved this post Gardenia. You know, I think there are probably hetero guys who have the qualities you are speaking of. Few and far between, perhaps, primarily because most would be taken by now. But they are there.

I got a kick out of this being qualities you only find in women. ummmm WHERE ARE THEY!! hehe I think women are not all nearly as nurturing as society has made them out to be. I would suspect the ration is different between men and women, but not all women are perfect and warm either.

HAHAHA!! I love the way you signed your post. hehe

Equally as frustrated lesbo..


About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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