Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Police Brutality - When Is It Going To Stop

The following are two videos of current police brutality inside precincts in two states of the United States in 2008. Yes, you heard me.. In 2008. If you have ever been raped or a victim of sexual assault, the second one you probably do not want to watch.

When is this going to stop in America? Does our role model, George Bush, Jr., The President of the United States have some responsibility in this? He has condoned brutality in Guantanamo Bay, removing the most basic rights of human beings. What we were taught as children to be wrong in our Social Studies classes based on the treatment of the Jews and the behaviors of Hitler seems to be acceptable policy in Guantanamo Bay. Has this bled over to all law enforcement? Clearly, I have more questions than I do answers.

Over the last few years we have seen reports out of Florida regarding the legal system misusing their taser guns and beating even children. If I remember correctly a small boy was tasered by the police. Not just one, but several cases have been caught on video or otherwise documented.

Below you will see a video of a man thrown out of his wheelchair in Florida by a female deputy because she believed he was not paraplegic. All deputies stand by and do nothing, while yet a male deputy walks away, finding the actions and behaviors of this female deputy funny. Not one person came to this wheelchair bound mans aid or showed any form of compassion. Yet another outrage in the Florida legal system!

The second video shows a woman who is arrested in Ohio being forcibly strip-searched by several male and female deputies with her arms cuffed behind her back. The woman was a victim of a crime and instead of the perpetrator of the crime being brought in, the woman was arrested. Is this the America you grew up in? Is this the America we want our future generations to grow up in?

My personal belief is our own government has become the Terrorists. We have defied the United Nations and have chosen to take on the world. A world who has lost respect for us and hates us. There was a time in my life I was proud to be an American. Now I fear being American. When do we stand up? How do we stand up?

Man Dumped From WheelChair by Deputy In Florida

Brutal Ohio Police Strip Search Of A Woman (who was the victim of a crime)

First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews

and I did not speak out

because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists

and I did not speak out

because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists

and I did not speak out

because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me

and there was no one left

to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller


Gardenia said...

EXCELLENT post. I did not watch the videos - I will have to go back to them when I'm prepared. I think of all the people being killed at the airports by TSA agents - when our protectors (supposedly) are hurting, maiming and killing - that's frightening. That's why I'm not so much for Obama - too much testosterone has ran this country for too long.

**Ya Think** said...

Thanks for the response.. I think the thing that got me most on this is in both incidents women deputies were involved. In fact, the man thrown from the wheelchair... That one was instigated by a female deputy.. It is getting more frightening all the time.

My neighbors stood by helplessly and angry at the airport when I flew a few weeks ago at the way I was searched. That was invasive enough! But can you imagine what others are going through?

Hope you are doing ok.

Gardenia said...

Doing great. Wondering about you!

I was really harassed in the airport once in Pensacola. It was a nightmare. What is going on in this country - ?????????

**Ya Think** said...

Hey there,

I am doing fine. I have just been incredibly busy as you can see by my latest entries. Trying to find ways to make enough to cover my deductibles each month and may have found the answer if I budget.

Our country has certainly changed eh? I don't see it getting any better and no matter who gets in, it will take years and years, if ever, to undo the damage that has occurred in the last 8 years. I would never have dreamed we would have seen this in our lifetime.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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