Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Moe has finally arrived

Well I picked Moe up at the post office today. And yes... I said "I am here to pick up my friend." I don't think the postal clerk thought it was half as funny as Moe or I would... But I thought it was...

I am glad I was able to do this for Moe. This has been good closure for me... I will miss the little fart! However, I am at a place I can move forward now and go on with my life. I will never forget her and she will always hold a place in my heart. I am still working with the government to get the funds removed that have been placed in her account, and have promised the Funeral Home I will keep them apprized as to what is left so they can get paid. That should pretty well finalize that. The lenders for her pickup had to schedule it for pickup as it past the 90 days mark for no payments.

I think this has been good for me on many fronts. It gave me a chance to give back a little of what has been done for me over the years, and it gave me a chance to understand and accept a friend unconditionally who had been in my life for so many years.

Gentle Touchs' Web is still up and running and will continue to be.

My pastor will be coming out here to do a small memorial service for her as we scatter her in the woods on my property behind my home. I will be emailing those who wish to honor Moe as to the date and the time.

This sure was a long process, but I am glad it has been achieved.

I wish to give a special thanks to Paul at Brooklawn Funeral Home in Rock Hill, CT. You see, Paul specializes in helping deceased individuals that nobody else will do. Brooklawn will wait for their payment and settle for the amount the State of Connecticut will pay if there is no payment available elsewhere. They have followed through true to their word and even sent Moe to me. I felt totally at ease when I was in his office and left there knowing everything was going to be ok now. Moe was finally going to be taken out of the Medical Examiners Office.

I also wish to thank my Illinois friends for the generous donation which helped get me home. I sent you an email, but it appears you did not get it as I have not heard back from you..

Hugs to all and I hope you rest well.


Anonymous said...

Im so glad Moe made it... please write me privately to give me an update.. my pc was down for awhile due to the kids.. thats why i probably didnt get your email.. and didnt respond back .. sorry .. megan

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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