Thursday, November 29, 2007

In Memory of Maureen O'Brien - Moe

I am pretty earth shaken right now. I lost a dear friend. She passed away sometime in the last month in her apartment. They did not find her until today. I began to worry about her as I had not heard from her and she had not returned my phone calls in the last few weeks. I began to push aggressively to find her by calling the VA Hospital, along with the police department, and a reverse search to find her apartment manager and neighbors on the Internet. It was eating at me and this is what I spent Thanksgiving Day doing.

The police went into her apartment this morning and found her. Both the police department and the apartment manager called me this morning. They will update me accordingly. The police detective wants me to pin a date when I last heard from her as closely as I can. This tells me she has been gone a while and they are trying to determine how long. The last time I spoke to Moe was on October 12th a little after 7:00 pm.

Her name was Maureen O’Brien and she was a war vet who was a 100% military disabled war veteran. She ran to the beat of a different drum, which often left her misunderstood and alone in many ways. I don’t know that she had family. I wish I could have done more sooner.

Please pray for all people who are alone in the world in memory of Moe. It breaks my heart to believe she is that alone in the world, or anyone has to be that alone in the world. I was her emergency contact. It saddens me that the only people she had in her life were those of us who were so far away, yet I am glad she had us to hang onto. Nobody should have to die alone and spend the better part of a month in an apartment where they are not missed by those in their own community, family, or loved ones.

My consolation is she is at peace now and is not suffering anymore. I know God is taking care of her and she is being loved as a whole and healed person.

I am crying. Thanks for listening.
Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving is Upon Us!!

Well here we are with Thanksgiving upon us. I have been sitting here thinking about what all I have to be thankful for and actually came up with a few things. So here are some of them. Although my lungs did not come out really good, there was an improvement in the expansion. My LDL on my cholesterol is still 198, but can be worked on. The margins for cancer have come out clear in all areas, so that is a plus.

I sold my old Van for more than I thought I would get, considering I did not even advertise it for sale. So that was nice. I sold some other things here at the house, and the people who bought them called me today and told me they found $100.00 in one of my books and are mailing me a money order for it, so that is a plus and refreshing to know there are actually honest people left in this world. It came at a very good time. I remember putting it in that book 3 years ago and then dismissed it from my mind.

I have a newer van that runs great that cost me $175.00 in reality. It is VERY NICE. And, my neighbor came over and fixed my Geo Tracker, which would most likely have sat another six months. All I had to pay for was parts.

Then there is my neighbors!! They are wonderful. They have shown me so much love and kindness since I have been here. They are just down to earth folks.

Last but not least I got a new pal in my house. Her name is Annie. She is about 6 or 7 pounds and is a miniature rat terrier. She is so full of personality and has brought so much life into my home. She is a keeper.

Sunday I was able to go to church, which I have not been able to do between work and my car being down. I truly needed to go and was thankful I was able to go.

While I am not rich, and I still struggle financially at times, the abundance has been plentiful. In less than a year, I have met so many people... Some I like more than others, but I am not alone out here like I anticipated. I read this so wrong... It has been a gift; A gift from God that I truly was not expecting.

Then there is my home... Once again I have so much to be thankful for... I am thankful for all who helped me make it habitable. The cosmetics can come as I am able. When I was coming here, I had one van that was on its last legs and no furniture. Today I have two solid vehicles, a 14 foot Big Tex trailer, a washer and dryer, a fridge, a loveseat that is comfortable and nice looking, a queen sized bed that is comfortable, and air equipment to work on my house with. This is all in a year. Much of it was God looking after me.

All of my needs are met. I may not have much, if any left over most months, but I am well cared for. ALL in less than a year. I cannot believe it sometimes and have to pinch myself.

The friends department is still a matter of sorting and hanging onto the keepers. But there are keepers. I have learned it does not matter if they are straight or? What is important is they are down to earth and real.

I am truly grateful and blessed.

Ya Think?
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Cry The Beloved Country by Alan Paton

I sometimes watch Encore. They have a channel that is devoted to Black films. I love Black films. I could not sleep early this morning so I got up and watched Cry The Beloved Country. It was wonderful. There were several quotes in this film that stood out, but the one that stood out the most was...

"For it is the dawn that has come, as it has come for a thousand centuries, never failing. But when that dawn will come, of our emancipation, from the fear of bondage and the bondage of fear, why, that is a secret."

Anyway if you have a chance to see it, and you are into this type of film, I believe you will enjoy it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Betty Butterfield goes to the jehovah's witnesses and MCC

Please click on the above link to see the above video Betty Buterfield goes to the Jehovah's Wintesses and MCC.

I don't know why I appreciated this video, but I truly do... There info about the Jehovah's witnesses was pretty accurate from what I have seen from those I have known in my life who are either Jehovah's, or once were.

And I think it goes without saying how I feel about my denomination, MCC... I think I will start following Betty's videos and see what she has to say about other churches.
Monday, November 12, 2007

Most Popular Blogs Here

There are three of my blog entries which have been heavily hit all around the world. Some by Google and some by direct links off the sites of others.

Those three are:

I have learned much from the article on the Drama Triangle and it has helped me immensely. It has been interesting how people all over the world are looking for more info on this topic.

The Dash Poem too has helped me. I truly am making efforts to spend my dash more wisely. This too has had inquiries worldwide.

Rev Troy Perry will always be a positive force in my life, and I am sure the life of many others. I am glad people are still interested in what Troy is doing.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

God is Good!!

I have not blogged much lately. Things have been good for a while. I cannot complain... Not having a g/f has turned out to be a plus for me. I like it much better this way. A woman I have known for many years contacted me yesterday and the conversation went something like this...
caller: I have been thinking about moving to Alabama
me: Why?
caller: Well I think I would be better off living a ways out of my community.
me: Oh
Caller: You would not consider selling me part of your property would you.
me: NOPE!
caller: Are there any other fixer uppers in the area?
me: Don't know
Caller: Are you with anybody?
me: NO! And I don't want to be! I am soooo done with that chapter....
I think you get the idea... One thing is clear for me... I am in no hurry to nestle...
I had problems with my vehicles recently.... Both the van and the car were down and within 3 hours I was in a nicer vehicle than the other two combined. God is Good!!
My tower croaked but my brother in law got me a new external hard drive to back up data in the future. 380 Gigs!! Once again, God is good... I will miss the data I lost, but I am going to hang onto the hard drive until I can go to a data recovery place and get it back.
I think the biggest gift I have been giving follows this following story. When I moved up here I had quit... I moved up here in a mode where I was not going to fight life anymore. What I did not realize is what I had done was let go and let God. I have never been shown so much love and respect in my life. My neighbors are awesome and have been such a positive force in my life. It is great because it is a give and take friendship. Actually, they said the other day they consider me family at this point. To know me is to know I have long since grieved for the loss of having a family. Well Hal is definitely family, but outside of him I have been pretty much on my own for quite some time.
A couple of weeks ago Bea told me to come in the office to have my picture taken at church. She forgot to mention the part that this was a video and I was going to have to talk. Boy was it awkward... But actually, I was proud to find out that I am now in the Counsel of Ministries. I hope I can continue to live up to the title and will always do all I can to be a positive force in my church. Once again, God is so Good when I look at how I left Corpus Christi. I think that was an era of learning in my life.
I don't know what I am doing for Thanksgiving yet as gas prices are so high I don't believe I will be able to go to Pensacola. I would suspect it will work itself out.
Guess I will close for now...

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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