Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Post Christmas

I can honestly say this is one of the best Christmas Days I have had in a very long time. I was blessed with spending the day with my cousin and her family. I was nervous and apprehensive when it was about time to leave my home to go to their home. Once I got there everything was great. They are such kind and caring people.

During this portion of Christmas it has had me take a hard look at what Christmas is truly about. At one point during the Holidays I remember hearing the old story about Santa Claus and his gifting would be regulated by which children had been naughty or nice. It suddenly occurred to me what a message this gives to children who are less fortunate to see other children who are more fortunate to receive in such abundance. With that I began to explore what Christmas really means and how we could get the true meaning of the holidays back irrespective of cultural differences or religious preferences.

I am new to the area I live so I do not know who the seniors/disabled people are in the area I live. This is the first year in a few years I have not prepared a Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner for a few seniors/disabled people that were homebound. I miss that. I promised myself that next year I will resume doing this again. It feels so good to see someone so happy that they were thought of. I have considered adding someone next year that others tend to shy away from for being different than others as well.

Well I had a great Holiday and want to remind myself to love others and be there for others througout the coming year.

For those who pass through here, I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season thus far. Regardless of your religious beliefs, know there are others out there who care about who you are.


thehealingroom said...

I think Christmas is a good time to do what you check inside and to take time to reflect on what the meaning of Christmas is to each of ourselves.
And then once that is decided upon....ACT on it, if you can. I made some small moves this year to listen to my inner wisdom and it was great.
So, I think I am saying , I agree with you.

Gardenia said...

Hey, we're seniors and I'm disabled - - :)

It's ok to take a year and take care of yourself, ya know? Next year maybe we can do somethin' when we're settled.

**Ya Think** said...

Hi there Healing Room. Sorry it took so long to get back with you. I am on my way to your blog to start doing some reading. Thanks for your feedback on my blog.

**Ya Think** said...

That sounds fun Gardenia!! I look forward to it. :-)

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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