Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Resolutions

Well here it is New Years Eve Day. I have been listing what I need to do in order to enhance my life in 2007. First, however, I have been sitting here and listing all that was important to me which occurred in 2006. I have been studying which decisions I made that were effective, which were not effective, and how I could have made better choices. I have been taking inventory of how I was accountable both on the successes and the failures.

Some of the things I have thought about is what in my personality attracts positive people. Yet what other parts of my personality attract negative people. What can I do in 2007 to detour unhealthy people from my life and attract healthy people.

One thing I realized I have been doing the past few years is I got in a rut and was afraid to take any risks. My life stagnated as a result and was going nowhere fast. Having stepped outside that safety zone, I have been able to move to a part of the country which is more condusive to the type of things I enjoy doing and more me. I have also been able to purchase a home. Hence; If I do not risk in my life it will not go forward in a healthy direction and I will short-change my experiences in the world.

Part of my 2007 decision is to let past heartaches and failures go. Some were extremely long lived and I need to let them be a vague memory that does not dictate my life or hinder my life.

As far as having a life partner I actually let someone in my life after seven years and terminated the relationship as we knew it a few days ago. I still am open to having a life partner, but I do not need one to be complete, fulfilled, or happy. Next time I will give it a longer time to be sure they are what I really want.

Another thing I am working on and learning is in my business affairs is to ask questions and research first in order to make informed and stable decisions. This will serve me a lot better than whining over the surprises that show up as a result of not asking.

My goals for 2007 are to finish getting my degree, get my property fixed up, add more avenues for my spiritual life, and to do one fun thing a week away from the house.


inkdancing said...
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inkdancing said...

*cheers* I just needed to get the whole comment in here.. pressed publish too soon :)

go you! It's gonna be a great year!

nici said...

wonderful resolutions and you can do it.

Kerry said...

Happy New Year Loretta! Hum just been over a year since we have met and it was a joy getting to know you while you were still here. Good luck with your surgery, Wendy and I are rooting for a great outcome.


**Ya Think** said...

Thanks Ink and nici... Both of you have a great year

**Ya Think** said...

Hey there Kerry!! Thanks for dropping by. You know it has been a bit over a year!! And boy what a way to meet. An evening I will never forget. You two are treasures I left behind and will always remember.

Thanks on the luck towards my surgery. It is just a few days away, but I am looking forward to all the things I will be able to do afterwards and to live life without the pain in that arm...

You two have a wonderful 2007 and know I think of you often.

Gardenia said...

Happy New Year to ya too! 'Bout time to go back to ya know where - I'm putting severe privacy controls and blog - family & friends only access - I've sent ya an email invite.

raindrop said...

Hey you. You are geniune angel from God above. Since we have met, which was quite interesting as to where and when, you have become such a great friend. I wish you so much for the year of 2007. That life partner is there. Who, when, we don't know, but God does. Hang in there girl, you deserve the very best that life can offer. Good luck on your surgery!!!!

Love ya,
Turkey in New York

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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