Monday, August 14, 2006

Great Weekend last weekend & Vacation Coming Up!!

Well golly!! What a wonderful weekend. The woman I am dating had me come to her house Friday evening and I had the best time. She co-parents a 3 year old boy and it was fun to see the back yard set up to what I would have perceived as an entire park when I was his age, or perhaps even older.

Saturday we went out in her boat with her sister and a friend of hers. Had a blast!! The only thing that went wrong there is I was going to get out of the back of the boat in the bay and lost my balance. I fell into the bay.. Now that would not have been so bad, but my little dog Sassy was not at all impressed with her introduction to a body of water. She had never been swimming before. I was holding her and she went in right along side of me. It was amazing to see how this 4 1/2 pound creature adapted to the water so nicely though. She was actually swimming. Of course her little feet are not made to be a swimmer so I kept a close watch on her.

I got a bit of sun but it was not bad.. Mostly just sensitive to touch. It is the first time I have been in the sun long enough since 2002 to get any color on my skin at all. I did not realize how much I missed being out like that.

Then Sunday we went to church and it was so neat to see it being so full that chairs had to be placed in the fellowship area. Even then there was standing room only that was being used. I am sure we are all going to be excited about the new building being finished when it is. There is so much life at Holy Cross MCC it is not possible to leave without at least one blessing if not more than one. I know I say it a lot, but I did not realize how much I had missed this type of fellowship and so much life in the church.

I leave tomorrow for Rochester New York with the woman I am seeing. We will be gone just about 10 days!! I am all excited. I am hoping I will be able to see my step-sister Carrie on our way. I am also hoping to be able to see an old friend who once lived in Pensacola when I get there. That would be awesome.

When I get back from Rochester I will only be home one day and will be leaving for New Orleans to the Rainbow Revival. "The MCCGNO Rainbow Revival is a gathering of MCCers from the US Gulf Coast and their friends to acknowledge the first anniversary of Katrina, celebrate the care given and received in the past year and renew spirits for the future." I am excited about the gathering of the Gulf Coast churches participation in this!! This could just has easily have been any one of the Gulf Coast communities and I think it is important that all of the Gulf Coast MCC churches participate. Anyway I will be going in the church van, spending the night, and then doing the revival the next day. I bet I will be tired after all that traveling when I get home.

Well I have to scoot to Walmart to get food for the trip and for the critters. I still am getting ready and packing as well.

I will try to blog some on the trip, but won't be able to be on as much as now.


Gardenia said...

Sounds fun. Be careful while you are gone, 'k? I'm here in limbo not knowing what I'm doing - except working and sleeping. Drinking coffee instead of eating. Should be losing weight!

Kerry said...

Hi Loretta

Checking in from TX! Glad you are doing well!

Gardenia said...

ware r u....................? now?

Gardenia said...

seems like ya been gone for - ever.

Gardenia said...

I got the message about being sick - still worried. How about a road report?

Gardenia said...

hey, gal - some vacation! hello?

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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