Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Been A While

Well here I am in Foley, Alabama. I have been here going on two months. While I do miss living in Pensacola and the dream of living in Pensacola, I am reasonably happy here. What is happiness anyway? Who knows!! What may have made me happy 4 years ago certainly might have a different impact today.

Some of the updates... I live close to the Bon Secour River and I have fishing back in my life. It is beautiful here.... I could not ask for a nicer area to live in. The area I live is filled with so many trees that one cannot even hear the rustle of the wind.

Two major additions have been added to my life... Well more really if you factor in the wonderful people I have met here besides these two additions. I have finally commited to someone and have settled down. Not an easy task for me, as I am so used to being alone. The second little person in my life is Alex, who is three years old. I cannot help but appreciate him. So full of life this little guy is, and so eager to learn about so many things in the world.

I have not blogged for some time as I have been in physical therapy, which took a lot of my physical and emotional energy. Along with moving the infamous molds from Pensacola to Foley. hahaha On the physical therapy, I will give them credit!! My pain level has gone way down. And I actually got some mobility back. Not all, but it is certainly an improvement.

Well that will do for this post.

More Later.....


Gardenia said...

Oh, I'm so glad you are back posting! You have a gift with writing. The pic made me REALLY homesick.

yeh, what is happiness? something we have to work at - and then sometimes we stop and marvel because there is a joy inside - - those are the moments to savor.

well, I'm anxious to get to the neurosurgeon for his run down of whats going on..........

glad your mobility is back -

it sounds as if mag encountered another butcher with her hand - he told her he could have done more if she had insurance.........can you imagine!

**Ya Think** said...

I will keep Mag in my prayers... I need to give her a buzz...

I also will keep you in my prayers regarding your nerosurgery.

Fruit for thought...

Did it ever occur to you happiness can be a roller coaster ride?

I do love this area, but it would be more enriched if someone I care about deeply would come home. :-D

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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