Saturday, December 13, 2008

YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!! I made it to Southern California!!

I have two friends in Southern California who I have known many years. After much discussion back and forth, they came up with a rent I can live with including my utilities, cable, and
internet. Debbie and Chris are positive thinkers and have been successful with their lives. I think the word poor just got booted out of my vocabulary. Their influence will help me get back on track with how you once knew me; A positive thinker who did not place limits on myself.

I am about an hour out from Los Angeles, Long Beach, and maybe two hours from Northridge where I once lived. I will miss the trees and the sincerity of the people I knew
in Alabama. I will miss the salt water fishing as I knew it in Corpus Christi. However, I am so
excited that I soon will be fishing for trout, barracuda, and bonitos. I miss this type of fishing when I left California.

With outside help, the sale of my appliances and someone all but donating a small aluminum trailer (very cheap), I was able to get here. I had a blowout on the trailer because the tires were
not big enough to sustain the weight. Other than that it was smooth sailing. I left Alabama
about 7:00 P.M. . I stayed at a rest stop somewhere in Louisiana. That was Saturday night. Sunday I made it past Houston and had the blowout. I found a tire that got me into Kerrville. I stayed in my van at the Walmart there in the Tire lane and they put bigger tires on the trailer. I called Johnnie and Kay Rhodes and they contacted the manager of the Walmart Tire
. I was in and out in no time. I left Kerrville and made it between Van Horn and El Paso
and slept in another rest area. I got up early enough to get through El Paso before Commute
Traffic. I drove across New Mexico and Half of Arizona. There I stopped at a rest stop and slept for 2 hours. I then drove it on in and arrived around 2 AM on the 10th.

I slept well in the spare room and since I moved here like “The Clampetts”, I went ahead and got the trailer emptied with the Help of Chris into a storage unit. Everything was open and exposed in the trailer.

I left with very little. What would fit in my van and what would fit in an open 4 x 8 foot aluminum trailer is what I took with me. What I could not sell, I gave away. It took close to two weeks of giving away before all was gone. If it was not clothes, computers, fishing tackle, tools, or concessions, it did not come with me. Even then I had a large van full and the trailer that was 5/4ths full. Miss Sassy came with me, of course.

As we emptied the house I was moving out of the mold had come back faster than I could get rid of it. It is black mold and the kind that the spores are not good for you. Here is the neat thing. About the time I passed Junction, Texas I noticed I was breathing better. I have not had to do a breathing treatment since that point. Where I am living is high desert, so it is very dry and the humidity is very log. For the first time in years I experienced static electricity. We have none in the deep south.

It is funny how things work out. When I went through Kerrville, life there was but a distant memory. No hate or anger was left. It simply seemed odd I used to have parents there and they are both deceased. I just went about my business of sleeping, getting bigger tires and rims, and moved

Well this leg of my life journey has opened new doors and closed old ones. This is a good thing.

I will send you pictures of where I am living in a separate email. Tiz easier to forward the one that they are already on. I will miss the color green. You will see in the pictures.

Health is the reason I left the south. I will miss all the wonderful folks I grew to love in Alabama,
and I will miss Pastor Sandy from my church. By the time I left I had pretty much quit grieving and was ready to move forward with my life with the new adjustments. I have known my friends out here for many years, so I should be ok. They are good spritual people with God in their hearts.

I am already finding myself looking for my nitch in several aspects of my life. I am still winding down from the trip, but it is all good. The time difference always throws me for a loop.

Well I am going to start blogging again. I look forward to it.

To my cousin, friends, church friends, and my Bama friends, I will miss you. You have given me many memories to cherish over the years to come. I learned much from each of you and value each of you.


Gardenia said...

What do ya mean, you'll miss me - you will keep the internet won't you, LOL!!!! ??

Do ya suppose we'll ever quit burning up the highway? I answered you on my blog.


Gardenia said...

How wuz Christmas in sunny California? It has been really gloomy here for DAYS!

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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