Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Spent Christmas in Concord

I just got back from Concord, CA!! What a wonderful trip I had and what a wonderful time I had with my brother Billie and Hal. Billie is trying harder to reach out to family and that is a good thing.

I spent most of my time with Hal and we had a great time. We watched a lot of Gay and Lesbian film.. No... Not Adult Rated!! .....And we just kicked back and enjoyed each other. He seems to be recovering from the loss of my brother, Eddie, who took his own life a few years ago. It is clear a part of Hal was stolen, but he is still the Hal I love and remember. I sure did miss him.

Concord has changed since I left many years ago. How it has grown!! There is even a Fry's Electronics store there and it was fun to go in and see what the latest and the greatest is these days.

OMG!!! I could just kick myself!!! My first house I bought is now worth $275 Thousand.. The Second house I bought is now worth $450 Thousand. And my last house just sold for $900 Thousand. Oh well... Live and learn. Sadly I owned them all at the same time and two were investment properties. Oh Well!!

Most of the friends I once knew are either in rest homes, deceased, or have moved out of the area. My friends in those days were always older.

Concord, however, is an area I will always appreciate and love. I felt at home while I was there. I even put an application in for the apartments Mom lived in. It will take at least two years for my name to come up on them. That will pass quicker than I think.

Meanwhile I am ok and glad to get home to where I live today. There is still evidence of snow in the mountains surrounding us, but all of our snow is gone. Yesterday the weather was absolutely beautiful. It appears today will be likewise.

Well I am glad I finally got brave enough to take the plunge to go back to Concord and see my family. It seemed odd not having Eddie in the house, but it actually turned out ok and that is a good thing.

You all have a Happy New Years and I will post my New Years Resolutions the First of the Year!!


About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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