Monday, August 13, 2007

Puppet Master Defined in Laymans Terms

In layman's terms a Puppet Master stays in the background and pushes buttons and pulls strings. Those watching this trickery are not supposed to be able to detect the Puppet Master is doing all the talking. They are an expert at what they do.

Have you ever had a Puppet Master pass through your life? I believe we all have experienced it on one level or the other. In real life, Puppeteers have the ability to push buttons, pull strings, and others are doing their talking for them...

I fell prey to a Human Puppet Master and the Puppets On The Strings are still being manipulated by the Puppet Master who now lives in Louisiana. What I realized when I came to this analogy is for a good share of the time I too was one of the Puppets On A String being manipulated by the Puppet Master for several months. Tiz odd... Sometimes you have to back away from things to see them.

The Puppet Master, who moved to Louisiana is still manipulating her puppets. The puppets are still trying so hard to please their master. When I chose to take up a new occupation and retire from being a puppet on a string, the Puppet Master had her primary puppet and secondary puppet do her dirty deeds for her. I guess in theraputic terms this would be referred to as Triangles.

I guess it is part of living life outside of a bubble to run into folks like I delt with the last year, but you know... I have met very few over the years that equate to what I experienced and continue to experience from those below the I-10. I am sure they were around me in the world, but am glad these types of people were not a part of my life...


About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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