Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Computer Crash

HMPH!!! Last night was a very scary night. I had a computer crash with a screen that come up and said I needed to mount my C drive. But every indicator was my C drive was there. XP would load just to a certain point and then would not go any further and would go back to the prompt screen. I tried booting in safe mode... NOPE .. it would not do it. I tried to boot with the last known functioning configuration. NOPE... would not do that either. I called Gardenia and remained calm considering all. She is having probs with hers so she could not look things up on the web for me to find out what the scoop was.

Finally I started digging through disks that have been shuffled between Corpus Christi and here. Thank Gawd I still had em, along with my Microsoft Office Professional. I had feared they may have become someone elses property through the shuffle. Well, I found the Operation systems disk and finally was able to get to the DOS commands by booting off the CD instead of windows. I ran chkdsk twice and after that I was thinking next I would have to use fixboot, but did not have to push it that far. Who says DOS is obsolete? Under the hood of every OS is DOS on a PC running quietly in the background.

Anyway, the moral of this story is treat your operating disks the same as you would your will or any other important papers. I am glad I am back up running.

Thanks Gardenia for trying to help me.... I do think this was a virus, but have not narrowed it down as to the source of it.


Gardenia said...

Yur welcome. The sweet little guy - I would really like him for a son-in-law just left and he re-networked me, beefed up the security too. He and S. then did a sword fight for about 20 minutes. It was fun. Glad you are up. Me too.

My heart is whapping around - I don't feel a bit together - don't know. I called my ins. company disease case mgr and she said to call doctor. It's 6:10 and i've heard nothing back.

Hm. Tired of this stuff.

You going to open house Sunday p.m.?

Mike & Casey said...

Scary stuff!!! Some people buy computers without their start up disks... big no-no. When you buy a computer you buy the software also, so never ever buy a computer without the start up disks. I try to tell my dad that but every computer he buys he never has them... then has to pay extra when he needs them.

Anyway... I think the TRUE moral of the story is that you should buy a Mac!!! :)

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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