Tuesday, July 24, 2007


by Rosemarie Crisafi

Mother looks away.
Hubble captures a lotus in a square with four gates.
Father stands in a doorway.

A cosmic clock ticks in an archway,
Membrane tears as his stare penetrates.
Mother looks away.

Hubble detects the dark hole in the Milky Way.
Inside a ghost awaits.
Father stands in a doorway

On a world faraway,
A clock tossed, spins; a face rotates.
Mother looks away.

Footsteps approach in the hallway.
In casement, camera flashes, imprinting plates.
Father stands in a doorway.

Bronze statue blocks the way.
Chemicals release as she waits
Mother looks away.
Father stands in a doorway.

Copyright © 2004, Rosemarie Crisafi


Gardenia said...

Good gosh!

Gardenia said...

Good Gosh - I can't get the files you sent to open up - have you made any progress? Any suggestions to get them open?

**Ya Think** said...

I think I need to come visit you so we can do a clean install... Do you happen to have Quark?

Also are you up to opening an indoor booth at T&W if I can keep you in merchandise and it won't break the bank? We could go halfsies on the booth...

Gardenia said...

No, I don't have Quark. I think though I know how to use it. I'll have to think about the booth - I'm still butt draggin' down here - but slowly comming out of it - I need to come up and visit you in your stall and spend a couple of hours.........first...........

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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