Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Home For The Holidays

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I just watched this wonderful movie called Home For The Holidays. The gist of the movie was three children's parents were killed in an accident, leaving the task of creating a new family to their aunt. Their aunt was more than willing to undertake this challenge, only to find obstacles within the the bureaucratic system, which is called our government who cannot function outside the dots. The Act of Eminent Domain took their home via the power company. The aunt moved the children into her home. CPS deemed the home unfit, as it was too small and gave the aunt 5 days to find suitable housing.

I believe we all like winners that overcome obstacles. The aunt came up with an idea and of course the community was given the opportunity to make it happen. The aunt realized the Power Company wanted the land, but planned to demolish the home. So she very cleverly found a way to get the home moved, only displacing the children from their land.

This is actually one of the more clever plots I have seen and did not realize this is where it was going. The aunt, being the protagonist of the film never gave up hope and would not take no for answers. A trait and quality I find in real life as well. She took a half empty glass and surpassed the half full mark with her creativity and determination.

In the end, even the head of Social Services and the antagonist of the film, found in the families favor. These types of Polyanna movies still bring tears to my eyes when I watch them.. I guess I still have a little Polyanna in there somewhere..

Well I am off to take a nap. I hope all of you are having a splendid 4th of July.


Gardenia said...

Lovely. I am on Jocelyn's computer.
Have a good 4th. You are probably alone too - eh? Well, the day is still whizzing by too fast.

Gardenia said...

Thanks for the offers! I felt at least not so much panic knowing you were there!

Crazy thing, I moved it, got ready to do the power supply thing, plugged it into the wall for one last try - and it took off. Did that in Wyoming. This makes me think, however, that it is on borrowed time.

Take care - I have some running to do today -

Gardenia said...

Hey, gal - you must be busy! Keep checking for a new post - but the ones you do are good for several readings that's for sure!

Big kids coming for a couple of days. I've been crippled up in back, generally not feeling good. I'm so sick of it! Yack.

Well, time to chop some salad, but was thinking of you.

**Ya Think** said...

Gardenia, I hope you get to feeling better. It is not fun being in pain...

Why is it you cannot get any help chopping the salad when you feel this bad?

Who are the big kids?

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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