Sunday, February 18, 2007

Decision Made!! Blog will not be invite only...

Thanks to the private emails and the post from Gardenia on my blog about it remaining open or going to invite only because of a one or two people.... All of you had valuable input...

I have decided not to let one or two people intimidate me about my blogging. Yes!! The person who stated I write different than I talk is absolutely correct. I am a writer and many writers write differently than they speak and it does not make anything they are writing about less valid! It just makes the gift God gave me to communicate and self-expression different than yours. Just like artists may create artwork that is surrealistic, but that does not make them any less real!! Musicians may play classical music in an orchestra but that does not mean they don't listen to rock or country music.

Ummmm... In fact I think writing vs. speaking is covered in my intro and has been for quite some time. So if you don't like my writings... I suggest you not concern yourself with my blog and go elsewhere.

The rest of you!! Welcome and thank you for reading and responding to me privately and/or posting through my blog. I realize many of you are more inclined to read and that is great too!!

Ya Think?


Gardenia said...

I'm glad you made the decision that you did. I know its not easy leaving it open knowing that someone could be "lurking" with not good intentions. It feels like an invasion of boundaries - well, LOL, I guess it not only "feels" like it - IT IS! So, you are your usual courageous self, and keeping on keeping on. BTW, I like the picture.

Well, I am most fluent at writing as well - when one grows up being threatened and constantly told that children are to be seen and not heard, it does tend to hamper verbal skills a bit. Just a tad, ya think?

Although I'm puzzled, I think your verbal communication maybe isn't quite as eloquent as your writing, but most often forthright and all your observations very keen. I mean, heck, you've been on national TV....what is that person's problem? They been speaking on national TV? Probably not. You've spoken to legislatures and legislators and Gloria Alred in person - don't even let anyone make you doubt yourself!

Honestly speaking, once in a great while, you are a little tiny bit hesitant, but hey, you are human through and through - this is from the person who used to fade into the wall speaking. :) - er, writing.

**Ya Think** said...

Hey Gardenia,

Thanks for the thumbs up. This was a difficult decision as this individual has the scorn within her that she could make my life a bit difficult in some areas.. Truth be known she probably has, but you know how people are... They never tell you and just shy away... You know I don't like ultra lesbian femmes very much. They have claws. lol Are straight ultra femmes like this too? They say there is nothing worse than a womans scorn...

Well I thought about changing the link, but that would do no good as it links off my personal website. Then I thought about invite only, but that limits readers... Then I thought about placing the settings for bloggers only... While I love bloggers I want to reach a larger audience than that without heavily moderating the group. I did put posts on moderation...

I am glad you liked the picture... It is one being used by a friend on an over 40 lesbian yahoo group. I will be adding the link soon... Well actually I am involved in it to, but in a quieter way...

Yes you do write well... And you are right again... when one has had to endure what we endured to silence us it does tend to hamper verbal skills.

Ya know what pisses me off at myself on this deal? It is the being placed in the position I constantly felt I had to defend myself... And for what?... Noticing that a child is worth 1/3rd than a bad check writer by an adult?... Being friends with my ex'es ex?... Being friends with my ex'es friends?... Keeping copies of instant messages?... This makes me messy?... Spending too much time on Pogo?... Even though I was down to one arm and was not supposed to be doing a darned thing?... Yet I found myself defending myself over such trivial bullshit!!!

Thanks for the thumbs up on my verbal skills... I do think my writing reflects more of me than my verbal skills do. You know the media and Gloria Alred?... Now there are an interesting breed of cats... But yes you are right... You had best be articulate in front of the media, legistlators, and syndicated television shows. I don't think I am that articulate verbally anymore... Perhaps just had my belly full and was exhausted from it all... I have been working hard at staying in the now and not looking back at those times, but I suppose it does not hurt to look back as long as I don't live it...

You know your writing, art, web skills, forms of expression, and abstract ways I would give anything to have. I also LOVE the fact you no longer are faded into the woodwork... I love your presentation and the way you process mentally. It is just AWESOME... :::sigh::: My Shero

Ya Think?
who would give anything to have that wonderful vase/bowl I commented on in your living room. ummmm And a picture of your choice you would be willing to part with. LOL Am I pushing it? hehe

**Ya Think** said...

Hey Gardenia...

I just summed this all up in one paragraph. haha

I was not about to give her that much power over my life. I feel I gave her too much power when I allowed myself to be placed in the position of having to explain to her. Hence: I am taking back my power...

Gardenia said...

oh all women have claws, and the Tom's do too - its just about keeping them sheathed properly.

You have all the right in the world not to let that woman criticize you. If it don't feel good, quit! I just got an Oprah magazine - good article about following the feeling in your gut.

More, later. Grandson tugging at elbow.

We'll see about the ceramic piece - which one, etc. I shouldn't hoard, should I?

Gardenia said...

oh all women have claws, and the Tom's do too - its just about keeping them sheathed properly.

You have all the right in the world not to let that woman criticize you. If it don't feel good, quit! I just got an Oprah magazine - good article about following the feeling in your gut.

More, later. Grandson tugging at elbow.

We'll see about the ceramic piece - which one, etc. I shouldn't hoard, should I?

**Ya Think** said...

Oprah just keeps getting better and better with her material and living life in a healthier way.. I just love her. I would love to see the article you saw...

Oprah just had a show on called The Secret. You truly need to get the movie/book this was surrounding. My copy is on its way. go to to order it. She is truly getting rave reviews over this program and actually did a followup on it last Friday.

**Ya Think** said...

haha .. I just read the claws part of your post more closely. I love the part about keeping the claws sheathed properly. I needed a good laugh... Thanks bunches.

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About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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