Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Surgery Is Over...

I had my surgery on Friday. The good news is the only thing that was wrong is there was a spur in my shoulder that was hitting the nerves. While I am sore from the surgery, my shoulder actually feels better than it did prior to the surgery. A completely different kind of pain. I started Physical Therapy yet yesterday and while I am sore it is not unbearable.

Surgery got rather iffy because there were respiritory problems. They got that under control and things went better. The bad news is I was placed on steroids. While the hospital staff made it clear to those who took me I may not be easy to deal with on the steroids, I think there were still hard feelings. I never have done well after surgery and it almost seems surreal for the first few days. This time was no exception. Additionally the Percocet left me feeling somewhat confused at times. I don't remember a whole lot of the first couple of days and am still trying to get a handle back on things. Lots of missing time slots and sequence of events.

At any rate, I am home now and it feels good to be here. I had a hunch things were not going to go smooth during surgery and I was right. Hopefully I will not have to do this again!!

I can hardly wait to get my arm back. The muscle on that arm has been dead for a long time. There is a term for it, but I understand it can actually be built back up. I wonder what it will be like being able to use both arms in sync at some point here? I wonder how long it will take for it to feel natural to do so? There have been times through all this it has felt so bleek I just wanted out, but somehow that was not an option. I bet I will never take my body and limbs for granted again!! I don't think I will need chronic pain management anymore. Already I am down to a half of lortab twice a day, so this is a plus.

More later.....


Gardenia said...

Hooray, its done. Do ya think possibly this may be a better year for everyone than last year? I certainly hope so. I am feeling very optimistic - gettin' excited!

**Ya Think** said...

Oh Yes Gardenia!! It is going to be a much better year than last year. Already it is off to a good start in spite of a few glitches. I am excited right along with ya!! You get home and lets get together and start brainstorming about our artistic selves. I love your artistic abilities and I know I will learn so much from you.

Gardenia said...

What's the sequel? How ya doing?

Kerry said...

Hey Loretta! Great to hear your surgery went well and you will have use of both your arms again.It is going to be flipping cold here next week and maybe some frozen or real snow! I'll send you some pics if it actually happens.

**Ya Think** said...

Hi there Kerry!!

Thanks so much.. This is still going to be a lot of work, but so worth it. I keep visualizing what the good side of this will be and just keep doing what the docs and PT tells me to. I hope you survive the weather there. Tell W hello.


About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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