Friday, March 20, 2009

Survivors Unite - A Must See Video!!!

You know Sandy always says God puts the right people at the right time exactly when you need them in your lives. Sometimes this can be on a virtual level as well I do believe. If you are a survivor of life or know a survivor of life in whatever way it means to you, I am sure you will appreciate this video.


Gardenia said...

Veterans of war on our home soil is what we are. This was a great video.

I've spent the last year looking at myself. Looking at my body, not comparing it, just being curious because I used to pretend it wasn't there. Duh! And telling my body I love it and thanking it, too, for trying to protect me. Thanking my female parts for being me, part of my female-ness - part of my identity and being thankful I have the purty flower parts, and not all those "stamen" - hee hee - or are they pistols?

Its a bit harder to accept the aging signs - oi -

but its good to feel good - to feel united. And there are days I have to remember to feel that way.

But - yes! Yes we are.

"H" in counseling and FINALLY dealing - there is a pretty awesome person in there!

I hate how hard that asshole made us work for our sanity - all of our lives. Maybe it'll make some sense when we get to heaven.

The "not my fault statement" - my mother is still saying when she hears of abuse, insinuating that it was the girls' fault in some way - never will be able to accept that. Maybe its only NOT about the girls. Ya know. But not to post too personal of things...

Anyway thanks for posting this.

**Ya Think** said...

This was a great response!! You know I have always liked 'H'. Even the recent picture you posted of him shows a gateway to his soul. I believe he has a good one. I am glad he is in counseling!! I am glad you both hung in there.

Yes, this was an awesome video. It kind of validated my leaving the hospital early as I did.

I cannot believe your mom is still saying it is not her fault. They were adults and they all should have known 'L' was not a balanced man.

As far as I am concerned all of us that were involved in this at children deserve veterans awards.

I am still working on the looking in the mirror thingie. It is not easy. When I see my age I see a life missed. Instead I must concentrate on my life yet to live. I admire you for living your life the last year or so. Welcome home.

Love you Gardenia!!

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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