Thursday, May 29, 2008

Why Gay Marriage is Wrong

I ran across this video on You Tube last night by Tyler Oakley.. I love his sattire and appreciate him very much.. I only wish I would have had the courage when I was a young adult (or now for that matter) to have stood up in such a positive way against the discrimination I have faced for all of my life. I hid over the years and tried to ride both sides of the keep everyone happy fence. Closet by day.. Lesbian by night and on weekends. Laughing and participating in the cruel jokes of others at work..

When I was in my mid thirties, I did get brave once outside my comfort zone at work. There were a couple of women there who kept stating that Aids was God's punishment for homosexuality. They did this for months as I watched friends and members of the Gay community suffer and pass away one by one. Finally I stood up and said...

"If xyz percent of gay men have aids...
and xyz pecent of straight men have aids...
and xyz percent of bi-sexual men have aids...
and xyz percent of bi-sexual woman have aids..
and if xyz percent of straight women have aids...
and only .001 percent of lesbians have aids...
Does it not make sense that Lesbians are God's chosen people?"

Within 30 minutes I was was terminated.. And.... It was legal to do so... Even in California... I had been passively-agressively harassed for months.... I never really stood up and claimed a bold voice on my sexual orientation after that... I just tried to fit in the best I could and go back into hiding in a straight world that did not want me there.

Anyway, thanks Tyler for your bold and fresh view on the thinking processes of many (not all) in the straight world I so desire to find my little spot in.


Gardenia said...

I would have loved to see the looks on those people's faces when you gave them that equation.

**Ya Think** said...

I think mostly it dislocated their thinking processes and they were pretty perplexed as what to say or do.. They had intentionally been passively aggressively assaulting me for months with the Aids Death Card for months. How Christian is that?

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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