Monday, April 07, 2008

Falling Slowly

I have always appreciated music that can effectively be sung or played on a musical instrument with so many sharps and flats. Even for the instrument player, this many sharps and flats is difficult to achieve, much less singing and playing instruments in harmony. I like the song too. I ran across it on MySpace looking at different myspace layouts.

Glen Hansard - Falling Slowly Lyrics

I don't know you

But I want you

All the more for that

Words fall through me

And always fool me

And I can't react

And games that never amount

To more than they're meant

Will play themselves out

Take this sinking boat and point it home

We've still got time

Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice

You've made it now

Falling slowly, eyes that know me

And I can't go back

Moods that take me and erase me

And I'm painted black

You have suffered enough

And warred with yourself

It's time that you won

Take this sinking boat and point it home

We've still got time

Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice

You've made it now

Take this sinking boat and point it home

We've still got time

Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice

You've made it now

Falling slowly sing your melody

I'll sing along


Gardenia said...

Wow, what a succinct song!

Gardenia said...

Here it is Thurs. I haven't had a breather - got home from class - cook snack for boy - cat had crapped on floor - crawled and cleaned - one thing led to another - the walls around the cat box, the dryer which the cat box sits by - the floor of the room - airing the house out - that led to getting the vacuum fired up which led to vacuuming which led to not being able to walk but had to go to boy's ballgame, which led to a pain pill, which led to a migraine - I'm just now sitting down - but this is leading to going to bed.

During all this "H" was lying in bed. I inquired as to sickness. No, just fine. Follows me to game, gets out and makes a big show of "helping" me to bleachers - I told him to can the public display of devotion........

How are things up the way of the FM?????

**Ya Think** said...

Hey there... don't ya just hate the 'H' games? Must be annoying. Sadly, the only thing you can change in the equation is you.. Meaning just create a life for yourself that matters.

I truly hope you get to feeling better...

FM is fine. Kids will be kids.. They started having people hang around while they work.. Their sales have fallen in accordance with that. They don't see it, but are whining because sales are down.
While I have been griping because it is keeping the isles plugged up, it not only hurts my sales, it is hurting their own. But kids will be kids and not see it. Of course at that age you cannot tell them anything because they think they know it all. I was no different at that age and thought I was very mature for my age. Ö¿Ö I love both of em dearly, but could pinch their little heads off sometimes.

'J' is at it again.. At least I am almost certain it was her. She tried to upload an email/letter to my blog from someone else. Now isn't that smooth? I closed off the blog while I read it and then removed it.

I am so embarrassed that I got caught up with such an unhealthy group when I first got here. I pretty much stick with straight folks and FM folks anymore. Have pretty much decided I want 'S' as friend and cannot have her for 'P' and friend. Does not work. Am looking at making some changes there. Local worship is probably where this will end up.

I have removed myself from all online 'D' sites. They were a waste anyway, but out of the handful there, they include those from a year ago. Took down my personal websites, made myspace viewed by friends only, and am trying to decide if I should close off this blog for invited viewers or not.

One full year later and I am still hearing from one of the three of them.

Other than that, my breathing is giving me fits and all else is well. Pups and I have a good life out here. I got an outdoor dog yesterday. He is a hunting dog. I have named him Chuckles.

Gardenia said...

The humidity is awful for the breathing. I hope it gets better -

Are there any United Methodist Churches close? Some are basic in Bible teaching, and very progressive. A lot of drama seems to accompany your church - but this is an age of "drama" as well - so it might just be our society in this day and age.

Well, boy has a game I gotta move it!

**Ya Think** said...

The Drama is not the church per say. The drama lives in louisiana and is more than happy to pot stir. This is my fault for not taking the time to get to know 'C' better before committing. Additionally it is my fault for thinking I could be friends with a g/f's ex. I have learned a lot about triangles this last year and don't think I will ever get in a jam like this again. Embarrassing enough, I brought them to the church; hence I only have myself to blame for bringing 'C' to church, who brought 'J'. 'L' was already there.

I have been so sick about this I have not slept in 2 nights. Now last night other peoples emails were sent to both a dating site I forgot to terminate and MySpace. I did not know you could send message without being on friends list. sheeeesh Wonder if there are settings to stop that.

'S' has done a good job with the church and there is not anything like that going on with the regulars that I know of. But I do think I want to keep 'S' as friend and find me another church.

Gardenia said...

Ah, I made it in. Well, I often wonder if I left "H" if I could go to same church - but we don't go to same services anyway, I don't wear my ring (it fell off) so I think some people are wondering, but they never say anything. So I don't either - but for me it is my relationship with God and a few other folks there, which my status does not affect. I am having a hard time putting myself in your shoes to give advice so I won't.

I despaired in Wyoming trying to find a church - but God led me to one that was quite healing for me. Outside of any church I would ever think of going to - it was a blessing. If that helps. I do think as close as you have been to "S" that a talk will be great.

Beautiful day out - I'm counting out my change jar to see if I can make it to beach with the boy.....

he needs to read - maybe not.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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