Saturday, September 15, 2007

Will be out of pocket for a couple of more weeks

I know I have not been blogging much, but I have had a lot on my plate. I figure about 2 more weeks and I will be able to blog again.

Much is going on... Working on my home... And making necessary adjustments for a relationship which did not work out. I have come to the conclusion I won't be so quick to get involved with someone I have met on the internet... I won't say never cuz that always gets me in trouble... However I will definately go about things slower and follow the guidelines my pastor suggests in the future. I need to figure out how twice in a row I have managed to get involved with someone who is still emotionally attached to their ex and not emotionally available. Now the new rule for me is... If their ex is even remotely in their life, and I mean as much as microscopically, I will walk the other way and vote with my feet. I think that is why they say not to get with someone on the rebound... Unless of course I am picking emotionally unavailable people because it is safe, as I cannot possibly build a healthy relationship with someone who is in love with someone else. This is something I truly need to look at. At any rate, I sure wish I would have listened to my therapist and counselor.

There are many positive things going on in my life and I am treating this as a positive. I am enjoying having my home back and being able to work on it. I have to go slow because of my arms, but I am making progress. I need to get brave and tackle my kitchen sink. I miss it. :-D

Well, my van crapped out. I loved that van. In reality though, for myself I don't trust socking more money into it. I have my little Geo Tracker, but it decided to take a dump too. Hope it is something minor on it. The good news is I got a very nice van last night. I will sell my old van in 'as is' condition and take that money to fix the Tracker.

I took my new van to Pensacola this afternoon and it was a nice ride. It need little things, but the engine, transmission, drive train, and rear end seem to be fine. The cruise control is nice, because I won't be putting my foot off and on the peddle so much.

More Later...

Ya Think!!


About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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