Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What a day it has been!!!

This picture is here for no other reason than I like it. Lorikeets are very beautiful birds and I have always been fond of them. I am fond of all parrots and birds actually, but their color and splendor just draw me in at times.

Well I had a good day really... I loaded the last load that requires a van from the Bon Secour house. Most of it simply had to be removed. I had been sick earlier this week and had not made my way over there yet to finish up the work on the house. The realtor called tapping her toes, so I knew I had to get myself in gear and barge through the balance of this.

Today I made a phone call... It was perhaps one of the bravest phone calls I have made. I called my first long term g/f who now lives towards the east coast and became a scientist. I had been thinking about her a lot lately in reflecting on those I had let in over the years. When she always comes to mind, I remember a time I had received no therapy and thought all people behaved the was I was behaving in my late teens and early 20's. She was one of two special ones I had let in. She was the most wonderful woman who was actually real. Well anyway I called her today and considering who I was back then it is a miracle she did not hang up. It was awkward at first, but I am glad I did call. I was finally able to apologize to her for the way I had treated her when we were so young. She accepted the apology and we continued to visit for quite some time. She told me how her life had gone, the dreams she had filled, and the achievements she had earned in her life. She was still the soft spoken woman I knew when we were young, but it was clear she had found her nitche and was comfortable with who she is today. She had a bout with ductal carcinoma (breast) which was staged at zero about a year ago. Even tho it was benign she was given the same treatments as if it had been staged higher. I felt a knot in my tummy as she told me this. Her margins are clear and she is doing well. I am glad I made the call. I am happy for her that her life has gone so well. She certainly is a good person and that is a great thing. I believe she was the most sincere woman I was ever committed to. I wish I had treated her in the same way.

The web is a wonderful thing in many ways. Being able to research my early social circle and close friends has been a great thing. I glow when I see the various accomplishments they have achieved in their lives. Yet on the other side it has been a renewal of the message my parents gave me, which was I was wasting a bright mind. I would love to have achieved what those I knew did, but I guess, in part, I was not willing to do the work along with I had so much spiritual and emotional work to do I was not able to do the work. I am, however proud of my friends and loved ones for what they have achieved.

Well, back to the basics... I am making such progress on the house. I am completely out of the Foley house and that was sure an expensive lesson for misplaced trust. It was emotionally, physically, and financially taxing. I am just glad it is done. The Bon Secour house should be completed by Saturday and the steam cleaners can come in next week. So this is reduced stress!! This will give me 100% of my time free to work on my house.

Well Miss Sassy is setting on my lap. I think she missed me today. I think I will scoot over to Gardenia's blog and see what is up there. I have not been able to spend time on her blog much lately and I always enjoy her writings and creativity. Since she made it invite only I cannot push anyones buttons anymore. LOL So I will see what I can do for positive input.

It is time to sign off for me... Color me gone for now and will blog more when I get Bon Secour completely finished.


Gardenia said...

Hey gal - I finally made it out of hospital - am fairly stable so far, pooped out energy wise. Started work. Haven't had time to post. Can't wait to start feeling better so we can do something. Right now just thankful to be alive.

Happy Easter - I will try to muster up a call - I have so much catching up with everything to do....good post....but don't feel too condemned....we didn't exactly have great role models for relationships as we emerged into adulthood....

**Ya Think** said...

Hey there Gardenia,

I knew you went to the hospital for a transfusion, but I never realized you were put in the hospital. Nobody told me. Are you feeling better? Please call me.

Happy Easter to you too.

Nope; Our role models were not very loving creatures eh? I just wish I could turn the clock back sometimes and correct those early years. I can't, so the best thing I can do is have a positive life that does positive actions... Be there for others when I can... And yes!! Be gentle with myself.

I am still finding myself not comfortable about attending church since Ms Contrary had to say what she had to say. I know with time I will get past that. I just wonder who all else she has hurt behind her social worker (cps) status. Actually, I wonder how many families she railroaded.

Gardenia said...

Well, I love your story about your tour of the backwoods today - please blog it - you are such a good writer and I love it (today's story about Mr. you know who) - it will make me smile a lot....

Gardenia said...

Just thinking - sometimes church can be just as hurtful as family because for a lot of us the church is extended family - I pray you can get past this to where you feel more comfortable there soon. Although like my "County" situation, its hard to get past it when the mudballs keep coming your way.

**Ya Think** said...

Actually, Ms Contrary goes with a church member that I used to go out with and could care less about God, the bible, or anyone besides hereself (if that) in the church. Actually I took her g/f to church the first time. Ms Contrary is there to be supportive of her g/f the last I knew. God has a funny way of getting to your heart, so I suppose that could upgrade someday. Her g/f goes up and takes communion by herself. This woman loathes organized religion. The content of her email was pretty cruel, as I can generally let things roll off my back. I think telling me that I deserve everything that has happened to me in my life was the sentence that really pushed me to the degree of discomfort I feel.

Gardenia said...

Whooooa - that is an abuser - judge and jury, eh? And a rather cruel one at that. Well, better be careful what you wish on another, might get it back themselves, eh?

How about coming on over to ours? Actually I feel rather lost at ours anymore.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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