Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Here is the country house!!!

Well here is the little house. Actually it looks smaller on the outside than it is inside. This was taken dead winter so the grass is not green. The front door with the diamond was not there. This was taken directly after that was done. We pulled the couch out of the house and that is what you see on the left. Someone actually wanted the couch, for which I do not understand why. I will show you other shots of the house and the property in the following pictures.

These are the floors while we were tearing them out. The roof was new and the interior walls are fine, so this was worth doing. The blocks on the house are fine as well. Mess Huh?

This is a side shot of the floor in the worst area... There all all new joists and plywood in its place now. We put plastic sheeting down first, then tar paper before the 3/4 inch layer of treated plywood. We followed that with half in plywood in both the kitchen and the living room. Jes and Walter from our church were the brains and most instrumental behind it. The floors being torn out were done by Lu from Habitat and my ex. There were others that helped as well.

This shot is the direction going towards the hall that leads to the bath and bedroom. As you can see the walls were all maroon in the living room. Still working on the cosmetics and the painting.

This is a picture towards the right of the house. The property longates to the right well over 3 acres.

This is a left view of the property but it extends further left than this. There is are more trees off to the left. The house is kind of in a cove of trees.

This opening between the kitchen and the living room I love. We have pulled the center island as the kitchen was too small for it.

Well this is pretty much it for when we arrived to the property and first got started. I will take pictures that reflect what has been accomplished so far in the next day or so. It is fun to watch it snap together. There is still some drywall work that needs to be done. Not a lot of it... Three places...

I have to do the painting but am applying primer to each wall before I take off from there.

Anyway, here is the house at its worst and I will start taking pictures of what has been done so far!! It is going to be a cute house done.

Here are a series of pictures of the outside of the house and the property.

This is an 8 X 10 building that was given to me. There is an interesting story behind this. One of the people helping decided it was more practical to move the building across a half acre lot, out the gate and then put it on the trailer. She blew a gasket when I suggested that it would make more sense to back the trailer to the building... Ahem.... I do have a CDL and would not suggest something that would not work. Oh well!! I can laugh about it now

As you can see, I still have the van for those of you who know me. You will see the burn pile from burning all the flooring we took out of the house. To the back you will see where the wind blew over my ceramic inlaid tile picnic table. I cannot pick it up and am waiting for the first two strapping young guys I think I can smooze to get it upright. Or the first understanding soul with a portable winch that will let me borrow it so I can devise a clever way of getting it upright. I bet I close that pretty umbrella next time. LOL

Here you can see a picture of my back building that is bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. There is also my new fence that my ex put in. It was not totally non-conditional as I inherited her lab Leah and Murphy, who is almost blind. Murphy is a schnauzer. So I will pay for it in dogfood and reap the rewards in love from them.

Here you can see my orphan hibachi I found. Behind it is a bird bath. This is the front right corner of my property and the house is behind the hibachi.

My friend suggested I get a new hobby. There are over 3000 ceramic molds here give or take a few. When everything else gets done I will be enclosing the carport as I save up enough money to do this.

I have been telling my friends about crawdad (crayfish) mounds. Here are some crayfish mounds. look to the right and you will see one with the top kicked off. When I first got here the house had not been lived in for some time. As I have been here a while the crawfish mounds have receded back since the property has life on it again.

In this scene you will see a wrought iron bird bath to the left. To the far back is a bench made of natures wood. to the right is a bench and a waterfall. Dead center is a light. These three pieces are made of concrete.

Facing the highway, this is the upper right corner of my property. A few days ago everything was in full bloom. We had some more cold weather and that was the end of that. It seemed like such a gip. Just past those azaleas is a blueberry bush. The hole you see there is from fixing a broken pipe to the street. I have to find more topsoil to fill in and make it level. It is a matter of taking the time to do it.

This is just past the left end of my property line. The trees are thick enough, even here that you cannot see the house to the left of it.

This is to the left end from the middle of the street. In the next picture I am standing on the other side of the street.

If you look at this picture just before you go around the bend is the property ling. You can barely see a white truck behind the second telephone pole down. almost the furthest point you see really. It is 3.6 acres all together.

This is the creek. After the hurricanes nobody ever came and cleaned out the duct going across the highway. I have not been brave enough to get down there and do it myself. I am trying to design a contraption out of PVC pipe that I can just keep adding a piece and slide it across the highway until is breaks loose whatever is clogging it. I have a hunch calling the county will produce no results.

I realize this does not fit the theme, but I am posting it anyway. This is my little tracker I found driving down the road. I got it for $1,000.00. It does the job. I like it anyway.

So here I am, living out in the country... I ended up having to move in on top of myself as depicted by the ceramic molds. When I get the inside organized I will take pictures of the updates.

All for now and more later..


wyolinda said...

what a wonderful home!

raindrop said...

Good Morning Retta,

Wow, Girl what country living. My kind of living, for sure. Am I jealous. How beautiful can it get? Your home is so cute. The land has so much potential, like you have already said. I know you are so proud of this. I know things have gone every which way but the right way in the past 6 to 9 months, but look girl what God has allowed to come into your life, a cute home, alot of land, more animals to love, more friends, and nature, most of all, to sit and ponder or walk and admire what is put before you. Know that I love you and admire what you have done for yourself. Take care.

The Southern Yankee,

**Ya Think** said...

Hi Linda,

Thanks for the post... Hope your night at work wss a good one.

**Ya Think** said...

Hey there Shell,

Thanks for dropping over. Yes, I like the house and the land. The tired I feel at the end of each day is a good tired. I went to put on a shirt today that I could barely squeak into a few months ago and it is so loose. That is not a bad thing either.

I hope things are going well for you up north. Tell Rain hi for me.


**Ya Think** said...

Hey Shell,

One more thing.. Yep Yep... The last 6 to 9 months were harsh, but it did go the right way in the end. I have been able to measure my growth by the way I have handled things. There would have been a time I would have handled things much different for sure and perhaps not used the good sense to get out when I did. I think the hardest part in all of it was trusting that God would not let me fall if I did the right thing, considering this property was not even an option at the time. God truly has not let me fall. Tumble a time or two, but not fall. :-)

I do need to work on building a friendship base up here, but I am certain that will come in God's time.

More Later and don't be a stranger...

Debby M said...

Ohhh Lorretta,

How charming, and i love the trees.

Just what you need, a place to build your home, and to be embraced by nature.



Gardenia said...

Oh, it is beautiful!! So beautiful. Your little vehicle is adorable....cooooool! I really can't wait to see the place. Man, are you a worker! I love all the statues, stoneware, etc.....and blooming stuff - the creek pic was awesome -

Do ya suppose our dream of an art/ceramics shop will ever come true - ?

well, I got the blood drawn - that is why I had to hang up this a.m. they were tugging at my clothing looking for a good vein - the one they keep going to is starting to look like a vampire is after me or else like I do hard drugs - it sure is sore - ahhhhh, that's minor. Just tired of it.

Again, all the pics are wonderful - I really, really like your built ins by the arch........well, I could rave on and on.....

Gardenia said...

Was just browsing county website to see if they butchered it up anymore. I went to the Baggs website - whoever is doing it can't spell. Meow.

**Ya Think** said...

Hey Gardenia,

I find myself going to websites I once had built and have no control over now. I catch myself not liking the changes they make. What I try to do is divorce myself from my work once I create it. They taught me that in commercial art school at Platt College in Eagle Rock, CA. None the less, I think when it is a site for the church we go to or the place we have worked it is difficult to walk away from it.

Hope you are feeling better and know I love you.. :-)

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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