Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Little Foot Fishing Tackle


I am pretty excited. I found a great online fishing tackle store that even I can afford. They are out of Oregon.. They are stocking their store now, but from what I can see I will be a regular customer of theirs.

Check it out!!

On a seperate note there is actually a pier in the town I live and even with my arms the way they are I might be able to do some light fishing. I miss my salt water fishing a lot, but I know my arms will not hold up to it.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bullies in Senior Housing? You Heard It!!

I had an emplorable two years waiting out the long list for Senior Housing for Seniors and those with Disabilities. I was so grateful and for the most part still am that I finally found a place in Stockton, CA called Hammer Lane Village. I thought, well thank God I am back in California, the state of tolerance. Well, what I forgot to factor in is older people can be just as mean and discriminatory as younger peeps, if not more. Actually younger peeps are coming around.

Well, for years I was lesbian identified, but tried to keep it close to the hip and was always doing a balancing act with it to fit in and please all. Also, for years, I had this secret I held close to my heart and would share it with very few. This year I came out as Transgendered; female to male. Needless to say, prior to transition I look like a butch lesbian. I have found out exactly what that means living here at Hammer Lane Village. Most are at least tolerable and some are actually ok with me looking so boyish. But as we all know, the few bullies make it a miserable place to exist.

There is a woman here named Anna. I understand she has been written up more times than I can count. With laws the way they are the management can do very little. Anna and another woman named Trish have targeted the mexican, black, and asian population who lives here. Well guess what? The hate has not stopped there. Anna has gone out of her way to make my life miserable since I have been here. About two weeks ago I was talking to an individual about something and Anna gets in my face and hollars who cares. I kept talking to the individual and ignored her. Anna hollars who cares again. Once again I ignored her. Well the people who heard her told her it was not right to judge. Anna hollared I may not have the right to judge but I sure as hell don't have to like her.

There are other gay people who live here, but they rarely come out of their apartments and when they do they avoid anyone who they think looks gay enough to out them.. How sad. They are so alone. Until this year Section 8 housing could kick people out for being gay or transgendered. So at least this cannot happen. But until now they lived in fear of being kicked out for who they are. Plus, many of them probably have no clue about the federal law which passed after the first of the year.

I was thinking about the differences and the parallels about being bullied in an apartment complex or at a public school. In a public school students get to go home at the end of the day. Here at Hammer Lane Village, all of those who are being targeted cannot get away from it short of never leaving their apartments. Public schools can reprimand the students, but at an Apartment Complex there is little the staff here can do.. They are up against In House HUD regulations and not a judge in the state would evict a senior for targeting minority groups. From what I understand it is next to impossible to get someone evicted out of here and other places like it in the state of California. The sad thing is the state has stripped minorities of their rights by giving thugs like Anna & Trish protection against being held accountable for her actions.

I did not go to the office with what happened, nor will I. I know there is nothing that can be done. But I am going to contact my local Assembly Person and see if we can get some bills going regarding the safety and sernity of Seniors and Disabled people who living in Government Subsidized Housing.

Would love to hear opinions and ideas on this that are constructive and productive.

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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