Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Day In Perdido

Well here it is about 11ish and I am so tired. I went to church this morning and my ex drove. It seems rather odd riding with her I guess, but it works out ok as my van eats so much gas. I enjoy being able to go with her and don't get to see her often. Sometime I still get sad that it did not work out.

Well I went to Perdido and started first by checking to see if I could fix the pipe leak out on the street. Of course I had the wrong coupling. I find this out after I bailed out all the water.

Well I started hauling things into the house. I am actually taking a load everytime I go now. No trip wasted!!!. So I got over half in the house and decided to work on the last layer of the living room floor. I got the plywood lined up the way I thought it should go and proudly pounded my first nail in it. Now this might not seem like a big deal to most reading this. However this is the first nail I have pounded besides hanging pictures since 2001!! For me this is a mile marker. For the last three years up until a year ago I had in home care because I could not as much as pick up a small frying pan.

Well!! I was so excited I pounded another nail and then another... I smashed my finger with the hammer. Actually I did not care too much because I was still proud that this arm that had once had a very large tumor inside of it was actually doing this. So I went onto the second sheet once I had sufficiently nailed that one.

A but later two ladies are at my front door. They were a mother and daughter team from across the highway. They only heard one hammer so they decided to come and see if it was me and show their support. It was very nice and felt comforting to know they care enough to come see how I am doing.

Well now I am home and I hurt all over more than anywhere else. But it is so worth it!! These are all muscles which have not had much use that I truly believed could never be used again. While this is taking longer than I had planned on the house it is rewarding to be able to do some of this. I could not do the beginning part of this floor, but the last surgery seems to have taken and this part I can do.

My friend JoAnn came over and helped me load the van again tonight. When she told me she was on her way to do this my face actually fell because I was so sore and so tired. She told me not to shoot a gift horse in the mouth and I was glad she showed up. We have another load already loaded that is going to Perdido in the Morning.

The way I have my day planned tomorrow is to unload a few things. Then work on the floor. As soon as it warms up enough I will tackle those couplings on the water lines. Then I will use kilz on the closet wall and paint the closet. While that is drying I will do another section of the floor. For a break I will bring some items in the house.

Tomorrow I am going to take a sandwich with me. I was pretty hungry when I got home tonight. It was just getting dark tonight when I got home.

More Later
Ya Think!!
Monday, February 19, 2007

Progress on my new home!!!

Well the cold weather did not help speed this up, but there has been major progress. Thanks to some members/friends of Holy Cross MCC in Pensacola and a couple of Habitat friends, I now have a floor in the living room. To God Be The Glory!!! The floor was completely shot. There is new sub-flooring, joists, and I am in the process of doing the top layer myself this week.

I will also be painting the interior and taking a full load up with me each time I go to Perdido. So within two or three weeks I will live in my new home. I am so very excited!! I now have two out buildings there and will be able to do my projects.

I am also getting the house ready my friends so kindly extended to me to put on the market. So much to do and it seems so little time to do it in. Between the surgery and the weather it sure threw my schedule some. I am so excited that there is light at the end of the tunnel that the setbacks seem pretty trivial really.

I am also excited about the decreased pain and increased mobility in my arm that is making it easier to accomplish more. I am not there yet as far as strength and all, but there has been progress. The last few days I have noticed it most. I am still sore, but not that brutal pain I have been experiencing.

More later
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Decision Made!! Blog will not be invite only...

Thanks to the private emails and the post from Gardenia on my blog about it remaining open or going to invite only because of a one or two people.... All of you had valuable input...

I have decided not to let one or two people intimidate me about my blogging. Yes!! The person who stated I write different than I talk is absolutely correct. I am a writer and many writers write differently than they speak and it does not make anything they are writing about less valid! It just makes the gift God gave me to communicate and self-expression different than yours. Just like artists may create artwork that is surrealistic, but that does not make them any less real!! Musicians may play classical music in an orchestra but that does not mean they don't listen to rock or country music.

Ummmm... In fact I think writing vs. speaking is covered in my intro and has been for quite some time. So if you don't like my writings... I suggest you not concern yourself with my blog and go elsewhere.

The rest of you!! Welcome and thank you for reading and responding to me privately and/or posting through my blog. I realize many of you are more inclined to read and that is great too!!

Ya Think?

About Me

**Ya Think**
Lodi, California, United States
I was raised in Wyoming where the Small Town Environment never left my soul. I have returned to California after living several years in the South. I look forward to life here and am grateful for the opportunity to return home in such a magnificent way!! Thank you my dear friends who all made this possible
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